A lilac tree for Laila

In college Mike and I were friends with a girl named Laila (I was her visiting teacher and she actually had a momentary crush on Mike). She was such a little dainty girl and she was sweet and interesting. I loved her name from the minute I heard it. Mike liked it too and we decided that if we ever had a girl we would name her Laila. When we found out we were having a girl we had other names we liked, Piper being the top of our list. We had decided we would name her Piper but when she came out we both tried calling her Piper and Laila kept coming out instead. So, Laila it was and even though we knew people would want to call her Layla because of the way her name was spelled we liked the Laila (think Thailand) spelling better. We thought long and hard about a middle name. I wrote about it already on a previous post. Mike said he liked virtue names and I thought that was pretty dang cheesy but the more I thought about it the more Faith came to mind. Every time I thought of a middle name, faith popped into my head. I considered the amount of faith required of me that year leading to her birth and felt it was appropriate.

I buy journals for my children when they are born. I try to write in them once or twice a month. Before Laila died I had only one entry in her journal. This is part of what I wrote:

"I chose to give you the name 'faith' because it took a lot of faith to get you here. I wanted you to know about my faith, that I have faith in God, and His plan for each of us, regardless of the challenges we go through to accomplish that plan. I want you to have faith your entire life. Your Daddy blessed you with the gift of faith during your baby blessing and I hope you will always strive to have it."

Now, that entry seems ironic. But I still believe what I wrote--that there is a plan, that that plan brings pain, and that there is joy to be had. Right now the joy is hard to feel but I believe it is there, that there are rewards in store and that they are eternal.

I am reminded of an excert from my one of my favorite talks:

"To any who may be struggling to see that light and find that hope, I say: Hold on. Keep trying. God loves you. Things will improve. Christ comes to you in His “more excellent ministry” with a future of “better promises."

...nothing could break His faith in His Father’s plan or His Father’s promises. Even in those darkest hours at Gethsemane and Calvary, He pressed on, continuing to trust in the very God whom He momentarily feared had forsaken Him.

Because Christ’s eyes were unfailingly fixed on the future, He could endure all that was required of Him, suffer as no man can suffer except it be “unto death,” 11 as King Benjamin said, look upon the wreckage of individual lives and the promises of ancient Israel lying in ruins around Him and still say then and now, “Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” 12 How could He do this? How could He believe it? Because He knows that for the faithful, things will be made right soon enough. He is a King; He speaks for the crown; He knows what can be promised.

In memory of Laila we planted a Lilac bush. My mom took these beautiful pictures for Laila's room and my favorite one was from a Lilac bush. At the time I didn't realize that was a Lilac flower.

My mother-in-law said that the bush should flower every year around her birthday. I'm so excited to have a beautiful bush right by my front porch to remind me of my beautiful Laila. We plan on planting a Lilac bush every where we live.


blondeviolin said…
This is beautiful!
Sophia said…
Hello, I'm a friend of your sister Chelsey. I just thought that I'd let you know how inspired I am by your strength, faith and testimony. You are an incredible example to me. Thank you. With love, Sophia.
Jenn said…
What a beautiful post! Your strength and testimony is inspiring to all.
chelsey said…
I love that talk! It is a wonderful reminder to us all of how to bear our burdens. There is a reason we are told "Come unto me all ye who labor, and I will give you rest".
I also love the idea of the lilac bush. Very sweet.
Jess and Jen said…
Oh I love Lilacs..they are my favorite! I'm glad you planted one at your house! -Jen
Jaclyn M said…
Tears that just won't stop. Your strength, your Faith, your beautiful words!!!

I was struggling today... it will seem small in comparison to what you are dealing with, but your words lifted me up!! Amazing that you find a way to help me, a stranger. God works in miraculous ways!!
The Woods said…
What a beautiful and happy way to celebrate Laila. I love it.
Haven Salon said…
I love that you planted a lilac tree. Its a great idea. I love your strength and faith and I only hope to be as good as you someday. I love you

Jess and Jason said…
Thank you for always sharing such beautiful posts with all of us.
Ammon said…
I'm so glad you have your little tree. The smell every spring will be heavenly which will remind you of where your Laila really is. I like the idea of planting a lilac bush everywhere you go. That's a wonderful idea.
Frances said…
Great idea, what a treat it will be each spring.
Zach and Nikki said…
As always Adrianne, your faith is inspiring, I'm just sorry it had to be tested this way. What an example to us all you are! You all will be in our prayers.
Jason said…
I love lilacs. The fragrance always brings back good memories.
Anonymous said…
what a beautiful idea. Thank you for posting.
kelsey said…
Hi Adrianne. A mutual friend shared with me your recent loss. My thoughts and prayers have been with you these last weeks. We have also experienced the loss of a baby and although I don't know what you are going through, I know what I went through.... We live in the Springs, not too far from you I believe, so if you ever need anything, please don't hesitate.

Love the lilac tree. We have a house tree that a dear dear friend gave to us after our loss. It is our "Landen Tree."

Kelsey Poll

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