Answers for Gillian

My friend Amy tagged me but I've already done the tag--sorry I wasn't ignoring you!--so here's the link so she can read it.

Gillian tagged me too so here are answers for her.

8. T.V. Shows I like to watch
I'm not sure there are 8 but...
1. The food network
2. Ugly Betty
3. The Today Show
4. Heros
5. Lost
6. American Idol
7. So you think you can dance
8. I can't think of any more

8 things that happened yesterday
1. I watched my friend's daughter
2. Tried to figure out some Cub Scout funds
3. Painted with the boys
4. Went on a walk
5. Did the eliptical for 45 minutes
6. Read books to the boys
7. Folded laundry
8. Watched a Heros episode with Mike on Netflix

8 Favorite places to eat
1. Cafe Rio
2. Outback
3. Anywhere without the boys
4. Home
5. The Pepperoni grill
6. Papa John's--take out
7. China house--take out
8. Subway

8 things I'm looking forward to
1. Flying home for Dave's wedding
2. The baby learning to sleep
3. Being thin again
4. The cruise Mike needs to take me on
5. Fitting into clothes with my thinned down body
6. The Holidays
7. Living closer to my sisters and brother
8. Mike coming home

8 things on my wishlist
1. A baby the sleeps
2. A thin body
3. Clothes that fit that body
4. A new jacket
5. Running shoes that don't hurt my feet
6. No more health concerns
7. A vacation with just me and Mike
8. Our house to be painted

People I tag: Mandy, Jessie, Laura, Andy, Nikki, Rachel


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