Infusion 1
It's 4 AM and I can no longer force myself to try and sleep.
My watch tells me I've slept three hours, with only eight minutes of REM and 11 minutes of deep sleep.
My first infusion for my eyes was yesterday afternoon. The infusion went smoothly. I arrived at 1:30 and I left at 4:30. I felt mostly tired, with the tiniest of tummy aches, and a headache brewing beneath the surface.
When it was time for bed, I assumed I'd crash and sleep soundly but immediately I felt feverish. Mike had to get me two giant blankets, sweats, a sweater, and fluffy socks (I don't sleep with socks). I could not warm up. I've spent the night tossing and turning trying to stay warm and then feeling too hot, shedding clothes and then putting them back on again. My head feels like it wants to explode and my guts are unhappy. My body feels achy everywhere, my shoulders, neck, and back hurting, especially.
Mike took off work long before my appointment was scheduled (the only day available for the infusion) and that feels like a tender mercy that his day off corresponds with this first day of ick. We've bought food to make freezer meals today and if I'm well enough, I'll help him. I'm guessing that my bed will not bring me comfort if this night has said anything.
I've got my finger pricker ready in anticipation for my glucose levels to shoot up, and metformin ready to take in case I need it. I do not, however, have anything to relieve the headaches besides ibuprofen and tylenol, and so far, that hasn't brought any comfort.
My only consolation right now is that Mike will be home today and the puppy is still gone. I'm hoping all of this will lighten up as my body adjusts to the medicine because otherwise, this will be a long eight months.
I'll make it through this, obviously, and I know I can count of heavenly help. Mike's blessing promised me that Laila had been assigned to me during this time and that I could count on her love and support. His blessing did not promise me a smooth experience but that I'd feel grateful for the experience in the end.