Too much happening to keep up

 I don't think I ever finished documenting our visit with Jess and Jen but their visit was in early March and we are now in mid-June.  I think I need to move on.  I'm so far behind.  I can't possibly sum up everything that's happened in the last few months.  To begin, school is finally out.  We hand over the keys to our apartment in three days.  Our big shipment of things got packed up and shipped on my birthday, April 30th.  Eli turned 16, got his wisdom teeth removed, and he got his patriarchal blessing.  Isaac got his mission call, secured himself a girlfriend, and graduated.  Piper finished up elementary school, had a fifth grade concert where she presented and also played the drums, and she participated in stage crew for the school play.  She went on a hike with her class to Mt. Takao, and went to an amusement park with her grade.  She is currently at Girls Camp for the first year.  Felicity also had a concert at school as well as a class/family picnic. She's been sick off and on all Spring but continues to be happy.  She is actually devastated about us moving and having to say goodbye to her best friends (tonight is her last play date with them). Will had a baptism, hurt his back, stepped into a storm drain and hurt his leg, and continues to serve in JB (since January).  Mike took his final business trip to the states, and finished his last day of work yesterday.  He took his final early morning run around Tokyo this morning and felt quite sentimental when he got back.  He also had his PT test and of course, crushed it. He was released from the bishopric and called to be my team teacher in Primary for a month.  I have been trying not to be a crazy person helping everyone with all of the above.  I also went on a trip to Vietnam.

So, I'll just dump photos in here from April until now and maybe I'll add commentary....If I can remember any of the details.  Everything is a blur at this point. 


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