Visits with the Coltons!

I mentioned that our friends came into town for 24 hours in February.  We picked them up from their hotel and headed to Shibuya.  They wanted to see the scramble and wanted to eat something Japanese but not too weird.  We took them to CoCo Curry.  It's a popular Japanese curry chain.  After dinner we headed to the scramble and checked out some of the stores.  We got them back to their hotel at 11 PM.  The next morning we met them at Harajuku for Meiji shrine and Takashita street.  Elise's number one request was to go to a pet cafe.  We tried for the pig cafe but it was completely booked so we settled on the hedge hog cafe.  Mike and the boys had done that before but it was a new experience for me and the girls.  I really enjoyed it!  They were so much cuter than I expected.  One of the hedge hogs just curled up in my hand and fell asleep.  It was so cute.  

They had to make it back to the airport at 2 so we packed in as much fun as possible, gave them hugs, and sent them on their way.  It was wonderful to see them and I'm excited to go back to Colorado and see them again soon.



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