Wrestling tournament, an update on Will, and other things

The military offered a free membership to Masterclass for the year so I signed up and today started the class on sleeping.  It was interesting but I found myself trying not to fall asleep so I got up and did some work around the house, made a smoothie for Lissy, and now I'm here, not sleeping.  I'll have to time the class for the morning, when I'm not fighting that afternoon slump.  I'll let you know if the class is helpful and if it teaches me how to improve my sleeping habits so I don't have those afternoon slumps anymore.

My family needs a germ exorcism.  This has been such a sick fall/winter and I'm over it.  I can't remember the last time at least one of us wasn't sick.  Andy and his niece came to visit for five days and they both got sick and now Felicity and Isaac have the flu.  I don't know if Andy had the flu but the symptoms seem the same.  We are all weary of sickness.  

I talked to Will on Monday, his P-day, and he seems to be doing much better.  The ultrasound did show some fluid but no kidney stone so it looks like it might have been the intermittent testicular torsion.  He said he is not in any pain anymore so hopefully it won't happen again but I think "intermittent" means it probably will.  He is in a new area and I think it will be good for him.  He loved his last area and did not want to leave.  His current area is well known for being a tough area.  He was previously in an apartment with four other Elders but now it's just himself and his companion with the nearest missionaries 30 mins away.  Their district meetings happen on zoom since they are all far away from one another.  He said that while it isn't a Malay speaking area most people he runs into can speak Malay.  His branch is an English speaking branch with only about 30 members and much of the work is reactivation, especially since he is in a high muslim area and they are not allowed to teach muslims.  I've heard from one of the moms of another elder that her son loved this area and that the branch members love the Elders and take good care of them.  I'm excited for Will to have a new experience.  

Eli finished his wrestling season with a three-day wrestling tournament.  He and the team bused to the Navy Base in Yokosuka and stayed in hotels.  He got to stay with his buddy Toby and they had a lot of fun together.  We were able to go down and watch him on Monday.  Each day he wrestled about four times so it was exhausting for him.  He ended up getting 7th of 13th in his weight class for the individual event and 3rd for the team event.  I'm really proud of him.  He feels really happy with 7th place considering that he has literally never wrestled before and was the only kid in his weight class to have never wrestled.  He got to wrestle on the varsity team and he had a lot of wins.  He never got discouraged by losing a match but always considered how he lost and how he could improve.  His coach said he was watching Eli evolve right in front of his eyes.  Every match he got better and better.  He ended up wrestling the guy who won the number 1 place and he almost pinned him but ultimately the guy won.  Eli was really pleased to have gotten points on the kid and to have almost pinned him.  It was so fun to watch him.  I never imagined one of the boys would wrestle and he never talked about it until he just decided out of the blue to do it.  I'm so glad he did!  He made really good friends with the kids on his team and pushed himself to his limit.  He's ready to rest and give his body a break.  I asked him if he thought he'd wrestle again next year and he said only if he doesn't have a job so it will be interesting to see what next year looks like.



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