What I see

I get so far behind on updating this blog.  The last post was depressing, but authentic, and then I just left it at that.  I tried to write a few time since then but couldn't really decide what to say.  I'm still not exactly sure what to write so I'll just let my fingers get started and see where things go.  

Mike is currently at a sleep study.  He's been snoring since we got married.  I started wearing earplugs years ago.  Over the last year he's been feeling consistently tired and waking with a headache.  He was supposed to do a sleep study in America before we moved but he chickened out.  Someone told him that if you get sleep apnea on your record, you can claim disability from the military when you retire and get a good sum of money each month.  That finally convinced him to get checked out.  He's nervous and the sleep study will be much less comfortable here in Japan than it would have been in the states.  First of all, Japanese beds are small but also, he's got to share a bathroom with other patients down the hall.  I hope his night isn't too miserable.

The kids have a few days off from school.  We don't have a ton of plans but hope to finally make it down to Enoshima on Saturday.  I had hoped to go on Friday when it would be less crowded but my counselor in the Primary presidency is going through the temple for the first time and I really want to be there to support her.  Enoshima will be a long day and I don't want to try and fit both into one day.  It's still really cold and Enoshima has tide pools to play in and I'm not sure how fun that will be for the kids when it's so cold out but we haven't been able to make Enoshima happen yet.  It's got about 200 steps and when we tried to go previously, either I was trying to get over my back injury or the boys getting over their knee/ankle injuries.  

I had other things I thought I might write but this feels sufficient for now.  The photos are from January when I went on a walk after dropping off Felicity.  It was a cold morning but beautiful outside.  I decided to explore the area behind Nogazaki station.  Nogazaki station is about fifteen minutes from my house and about the same distance from Felicity's school in a different direction.  I usually don't walk too far past the station but decided to explore the neighborhood.  I made myself take only photos that were freelensed, which gives that blurry effect. I had my backpack on and it's a frustrating backpack to try and zip and it has a deep main pocket so I left it open, not worried anything would fall out or that anything would get stolen.  A nice Japanese man tapped me on my shoulder to inform me that my bag was open.  I had to smile because I literally cannot go anywhere with my back unzipped without someone informing me it's open.  The Japanese do not like my bad unzipped at all! It's kind of funny. Anyway, the neighborhood isn't terribly far from my house but I didn't get back home for an hour and a half.  It was a good walk and interesting to see how that neighborhood connects to the streets I am familiar with already.  



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