Reading awards

When the boys were young I had a treasure box as a reward system for good behavior.  It actually worked really, really well for them.  I haven't done anything like that for the girls but recently decided to bust out my "positive parenting" skills out for them. Our treasure box isn't for behavior but for reading.  Piper has made huge, gigantic improvements in this area but selfishly, I need her to be even more fluent in reading so that this coming school year can make my life (and hers) easier.  I filled a huge basket with candy and toys and hairbows.  She had a few small toys as well as some bigger items like a Ken doll and Barbie doll.  She is not terribly motivated by candy or food, though Lissy is.  Lissy has a crazy sweet tooth.  Piper really wanted that Barbie doll and Ken doll.  I required her to read 10 books for the doll.  I didn't put any requirement on the size of the book or difficulty.  She has not shown any interest in reading actual books up to this point.  We have worked on reading from her school curriculum as well as used some Bob Books and then a lot of me reading to her.  The treasure box was brilliant actually.  Felicity pretends to read a huge pile of books and then chooses two small candies and Piper is reading actual books now.  I don't care if she rereads a book or if it is ten pages or a chapter book.  She chooses and she earns her toys and candy.  I need to refill it with toys because she still doesn't really care about the candy.  We are reading Goosegirl together and she can't count the book I read to her.  She chose a fat Barbie chapter book to read this week and the words are big and the book is easy but it is three stories in one book and she loves it and I love seeing her read and can't wait to watch her reading blossom this year.  


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