Copper Tubing

Since Mike left I've been taking pictures consistently.  I decided to do a 365 project just before he left but then by the end of the month, I'd already  stopped taking a picture every day because life is just crazy with him gone.  You would think that snapping a picture once a day would not be that big a deal but it just becomes something else I have to do.  Instead, I just take a whole lot of pictures on the days I am able to focus on it.  The whole point of me deciding to do the 365 project was so that I could improve so just snapping a random picture to take one isn't really fulfilling the purpose for me.  I think that having Mike gone and my time to focus on hobbies less available, has contributed to me feeling uninspired in photography.  I was scrolling through instagram one day and saw someone mention copper tubing and I had no idea what they were talking about but a random google search told me what to do and a quick trip to Home Depot, a few models, and the morning light was enough to get me started.  It was pretty cool.  The boys literally walked down the stairs after waking up and I threw a jacket at them and made them come be my models.  After that day I noticed that I didn't even need the sun to make the effect work, all I needed was some lights so I used the Christmas tree lights to get some fun pictures.  


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