Christmas Pictures

Our December was a busy one.  We started the month out with Piper's birthday followed by Felicity being born.  I tried to keep things as laid back as possible and we cut out many of our Christmas traditions.  There were things we still did that were easy and simple such as a hot chocolate bar.  One day for Homeschool we made homemade marshmallows.  Mike took the kids to go see Santa at the zoo and I bought one gingerbread house kit for the kids to put together.  We tried to focus on the Light the World campaign the church was hosting but for the most part, we didn't do a lot of extra this Christmas.  Even then, it seemed awfully busy and full.  Part of that was probably due in part to having multiple appointments for the baby to check her bilirubin levels as well as me getting very sick.  It was awful.  Steve and Carol came the day after Christmas so we took a break from school and hung out with them for the week.  We finally came through on our promise to Will to take him ice skating (he's only been asking for three years or more).  On New Years Eve we let off fireworks and let the kids stay up while all the adults went to bed early.  


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