Too many donuts in one day
Monday as Labor Day and even though the kids really wanted a day off of school we decided that since we didn't have any plans for the holiday we would still make them do some school. We slept in and then as soon as we were all ready Mike drove us to Krispe Kreme. We each got to choose donuts and then we spent about a half hour watching the donuts being made. The kids never get tired of that. Later that day we started making our own donuts. The kids helped make the dough (they did a large portion of it) and then they helped glaze the donuts as well. After the donuts were all consumed Mike told them they had to write a report on their donut day. They didn't seem to mind because the report was in place of their normal writing and I let them have all week to do it. I also didn't make them use correct spelling or have a nice double-spaced report. The boys get annoyed with us when we make their holidays be a school day but hopefully fun activities will kind of make up for it.