A comment from Will

"I know what teenagers are, mom. They're little kids that look like grown-ups."


He is light years ahead of most parents! Just remind him of this when he's a parent to teenagers! :) My mom once said, "Teenagers are big 2-year olds, and 2-year old are just small teenagers." Spot on I say.
Tana said…
hahahah that is so funny! and so true!
Cali said…
I'm laughing still! I love it.

Who's your mystery visitor going to be? I really loved your "rest in peace stroller" post. Though all of the ones you highlighted are really great ones. That one just really touched me. Your such a wonderful mother.
The Duke said…
Will, You are wise beyond your years. :)
Lisa said…
HAHAHHA. Oh my gosh! He's a smart one!
Carolina said…
He is like Yoda, except with clearer sentence structure.
Michelle said…
He is exactly right with that comment! Great job Will.
politicchic6 said…
Such Wisdom for one so young. Does he know what Adults are?

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