Puzzle Update: 1

Who chose this puzzle? 181 minutes and this is all we've done!


Jess and Jen said…
It was hard. Sometimes I'd sit there for 20 minutes and not get much done! -Jen
LanceandNance said…
Um... yeah, this puzzle took us a long time. We wasted a lot of time Monday and Tuesday doing it.
Nate said…
Looks like fun. I am too impatient for puzzles, though, I'd rather zone out watching 5 episodes of Lost in 181 minutes. Nate on the other hand would be so on board with this challenge if I let him know about it. . .
Dave and Tana said…
ah. Lost oh how I miss thee.
Michelle said…
Your progress on your puzzle Adrianne and Mike is right about where we are. We have the edges done and then some spots here and there with 10 pieces in bunches, but overall our puzzles has helped us waste over 6 hours of our life and we aren't any closer to the end than on Monday.

Does staring at it count? Cause I can do the same thing as Jen,just sit there and look at it for a while and then after 20 minutes or so a piece gets hooked together then I realize, this is sucking the life out of me and I need to do dishes or something.
Nika said…
Good luck... I took days to finish one that has 500 pieces!
Cali said…
I was really tempted to join in on the puzzle party--Nate and I really enjoy puzzles. But, maybe your post has talked me out of it!

I'll bet that you're having a lot of fun together, though. So worth the time when it's time you're spending together.

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