Jigsaw Puzzle Competition, Jan 2010

WELCOME! You've found the home page for the Jigsaw Puzzle Competition, Jan 2010! Join us as we race to see who can assemble a 1000 piece Jigsaw Puzzle in the fewest man-hours. We are currently searching for the perfect puzzle to use in our first-ever competition. Please indicate your interest in participating to help us know how many people will be competing (and so we can try to negotiate a better deal with the people that we'll buy the puzzles from).

So far the puzzles we've found will be between $15 and $20 and that seems kind of expensive to us. (They're only $8 at our walmart, but then we'd have to all be able to get the same puzzle from walmart) We're hoping to be able to find something cheaper...

Here's how the competition works:

1. Once we've selected the puzzle, everyone buys one (hopefully with a discount code from the seller because of the cool competition we're having)
2. Everyone assembles their puzzle within 3 or 4 weeks, keeping track of the time they spend working on it.
3. Once finished, participants post a picture of their completed puzzle, along with the number of man-hours they spent on it.
4. On the final day, or when everyone has finished, we'll post the winner and send them a prize--a $25 gift card to ... anywhere they want (that we can get to).

The rules on keeping track of your time are:
- Keep track of your time in 1 minute increments
- Time is by man-hour, so-- 1 person for 20 minutes = 20 minutes, 3 people for 20 minutes = 60 minutes
- If something bad happens (like your kid knocks your puzzle off the table), you can decide what you think is fair--I think it would be fair to disassemble everything and start your timer over, but that's just me
- Any time spent working on the puzzle counts towards your time (including, but not limited to: standing over it and staring at it, staring at the picture, separating the pieces into different colors/shapes, trying to find little bins to separate things onto, chasing children who have stolen puzzle pieces...well, maybe not that last one)

Post any questions you have.


Michelle said…
Cool Contest, I totall want in. Haven't done a puzzle in a long time.
Alright! I was sure you would want in.
The Duke said…
How about me being the cheerleader on the sidelines?
I hate to put puzzles together. I have never liked it.
I'll cheer the whole family on, though. I'm good at that.
gillian said…
Count me and Kevin in. We will prob loose because I SUCK at puzzles. Let me know where to buy it and we will!
Frances said…
Sounds good, except, I have no idea where I can safely set up this puzzle.
chelsey said…
We're in! Should we decide on a puzzle and start date?
Dad and Mom said…
I'm in! I just started a puzzle last night.....life is pretty dull around here when Steve is away. I'll watch to see when we start and what puzzle we will use.
Lilola said…
Will you subtract minutes when the children are helping? LOL

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