Who needs paper when I have my body?
This past week has been one of those weeks. You know what I'm talking about, one of THOSE weeks. We made another trip to the ER Sunday night with Isaac. This time he fell off of the island in our kitchen. I did not want to take him in. Mike called the on-call doctor and was told since we couldn't keep him awake that we ought to take him in just to be safe. Every thing was fine. He still has a headache and I've threatened him with his life if I ever catch him on the counters again. I'm relieved he's ok and we are home.
Today I just feel in a slump. It seems like one thing after another. Case in point: I'm not too afraid of messes. With the three boys I just have to accept that our lives are full of messes. But, there are two messes we don't have very often--Popsicles and paint. The boys love both but I just hate cleaning those messes. Popsicles stain their clothes, stickify their hands and faces, make yucky messes on the floor, etc. Yuck. The other one, paint, I don't need to explain why I don't like it. I like to paint myself but don't do it very often because the clean-up is just too bothersome. So, the boys don't get to experience either very often. But, it's summer and I guess all kids need Popsicles in summer. How can you get through the summer without them right?
As for the paint, well, I just thought it would be a fun treat for them. They do love it after all. Against my better judgement I let the boys start their project before Eli was napping. We don't do projects when Eli is awake--maybe one other time. Here is what ensued:
No harm in a little painting of the feet, right?
Hmmm...I enjoyed painting my feet so much I think I'll paint Will's hair.

How about my belly now.

Oops, I guess mom won't mind a little paint on the table.

I let this go on until I just couldn't take it anymore. Little projects were left to dry and little bodies were transferred to the bathtub.
I left them playing in the tub while I cleaned the green foot prints and wet paint off the floor and table, which was probably a lack of judgement on my part. I'm sure to get a knock on my front door anytime now with my kids promptly removed from my home.
All joking aside, I just can't keep my eye on them that well. I'm sure to be the death of them with my lack of attention to the important details of keeping my children safe. But at least we can be assured that I will quickly be joining them because they are sure to be the death of me.
*No one was harmed in the bathtub and I checked on them every few minutes so they weren't entirely left without supervision.
Today I just feel in a slump. It seems like one thing after another. Case in point: I'm not too afraid of messes. With the three boys I just have to accept that our lives are full of messes. But, there are two messes we don't have very often--Popsicles and paint. The boys love both but I just hate cleaning those messes. Popsicles stain their clothes, stickify their hands and faces, make yucky messes on the floor, etc. Yuck. The other one, paint, I don't need to explain why I don't like it. I like to paint myself but don't do it very often because the clean-up is just too bothersome. So, the boys don't get to experience either very often. But, it's summer and I guess all kids need Popsicles in summer. How can you get through the summer without them right?
As for the paint, well, I just thought it would be a fun treat for them. They do love it after all. Against my better judgement I let the boys start their project before Eli was napping. We don't do projects when Eli is awake--maybe one other time. Here is what ensued:
No harm in a little painting of the feet, right?
Hmmm...I enjoyed painting my feet so much I think I'll paint Will's hair.
How about my belly now.
Oops, I guess mom won't mind a little paint on the table.
I let this go on until I just couldn't take it anymore. Little projects were left to dry and little bodies were transferred to the bathtub.
I left them playing in the tub while I cleaned the green foot prints and wet paint off the floor and table, which was probably a lack of judgement on my part. I'm sure to get a knock on my front door anytime now with my kids promptly removed from my home.
All joking aside, I just can't keep my eye on them that well. I'm sure to be the death of them with my lack of attention to the important details of keeping my children safe. But at least we can be assured that I will quickly be joining them because they are sure to be the death of me.
*No one was harmed in the bathtub and I checked on them every few minutes so they weren't entirely left without supervision.
And yes, I immediately transfer my kids to the bath afterwards too. :)
Have you tried making popsicles with clear koolaid?
Amy, that is a great idea! The boys would love to "paint" outside.
Cali, I just live from your example. Your children are lucky to have you as a mom.
Nancy, just you wait! I want a full report of little John and his mischief!
Mom, they love sidewalk chalk. They like crayons, paint, markers, chalk, etc. Anything that they can color with.
Kim, I feel the same about playdough. We have some of those bathtub crayons and the boys love them but you are right, I have to scrub the tub to get them off.
Brooke, those popcicles sound perfect! I'll let you know what I think when we try them.
Cherstin, freezer paper is a good idea. Any other ideas about how you keep your kids clean during all your projects?
Jennifer, no, I haven't tried clear kool-aid. My boys love chewing on ice. If I made clear popcicles and gave them too them, it would be such a good surprise--this isn't ice, it's a yummy flavored ice!