In case you were wondering

One more thing....

One of the ladies showing us a house turned to me and asked, "When are you due?" UNBELIEVABLE! She was very embarrassed, and rightfully so, when I told her I was not pregnant. Then, as if asking someone if they are pregnant when they are not isn't insulting enough, she asked me, "Do you do crunches?" SERIOUSLY?!

So there you have it. I know that most of you are wondering to yourselves, "Well, it's about that time again. Is she pregnant?" No. I am not. I just really love being pregnant so much that I've decided to keep the pregnant belly so I can always keep some of that pregnancy glow about me.

Sheesh people.


It's basically a miracle I haven't been asked this yet -- because just the other day I bought capris in a size I have before only bought right after giving birth, and my baby is 2 1/2 years old.

Next time ask her if she plucks her mustache.
Lokodi said…
This Jane person is funny. I'd love to use that mustache comment on someone when something like this happens to me. I'm sorry that woman was so incredibly stupid and then had the audacity to ask if you do crunches. The mustache comment would have worked perfectly. I don't happen to think you look like you're pregnant at all. You're one hottie patottie in my book.

Michelle said…
People don't think when they ask the pregnancy question. You didn't look pregnant when I saw you in October. She obviously doesn't think before speaking. Sorry you had to put up with that.

I would definately use that mustache comment next time you get asked something someone shouldn't ask you. You could add something like this:
So do you wax or pluck your mustache
Rachel said…
I kept my fat too - I affectionately call it my mid tire. Some people have no tack.
Michelle said…
I forgot the last line of my comment. I meant to say, next time ask

Do you wax or pluck your mustache because you obviously forgot a few and might want to try a different method for removing hair.
Love the mustache thing.
Jess and Jason said…
That is hilarious! I am sorry, but seriously, do you do crunches!!! HAHAHA. You should have punched her in the stomach!
Jacey said…
I was asked when I was due as well. I informed them that my baby was three months old. I don't think I've ever been as upset as I was at that moment.

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