
Isaac was not a fan of the snow initally. His hands froze and he kept falling. He cried at least a solid half hour after coming inside and only after drinking hot chocolate and putting socks on his hands did he stop.

Will is our snow-bunny. He loved the snow. He will go play in the snow all day if I let him. He has giant gloves on because we decided Isaac needed better gloves if he was going to be outside so Will kindly gave us his warmer gloves to Isaac and wore Grandma's huge ones instead.

Isaac is beginning to like the snow more now that he has better gloves.

Will is shoveling snow for Grandma. He earned a dollar for his good help.
Will "helping" Grandma shovel. I offered but she said no. I promise I'm not that cruel to just stay inside and watch and take pictures while they freeze. Grandma likes to shovel, or so she says. ;)

Our miniture snowman. The snow was covered with ice the following day so we had to break off the top layer of ice to reach the snow so our snowman is just little--the perfect size for little boys.


Papa Doc said…
I loved the pictures! Ike must have really been cold. I hate being cold, too, but when you are warm and well dressed the snow is fun.

Looks like grandpa knows how to get some help out of his boys. It will only be a short time before Eli will be out there wanting to help, too.

Dad Clark
Lokodi said…
That first picture of Ike lookes like he peed his pants. It's the funniest/cutiest picture ever! It reminds me of the boy on the christmas story movie. Eva loves to play in the snow, but I have to watch her very carefully. She doesn't care is the snow is clean or not. She just wants to eat it. I have a picture of her licking snow off of a dirty car.

When do you guys get back from Virgina?

Cali said…
I love that picture of Ike--so cute! I'm glad that hot chocolate could help him feel better--who doesn't love hot chocolate?

So, when do you get back from your trip? How nice to be able to spend some time with family--soak it in!

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