Boys drool...and other gross things

I have long since defended boys from all the girls only moms out there. I still maintain that boys are easier to raise than girls. Even though I only have boys, I am a girl after all.

But, there is one thing I cannot dispute, boys are gross. The older my boys get the grosser they become. Will, is the only boy in his dance class and there are clear differences between him and his little girlfriends. Amid all the pink tutus there is Will, with his hands down his pants. This is a habit we have almost broken him of for the time being.

Other gross behavior is nose-picking. Mike went in to tuck the boys in and make sure they were all still warm and toasty in their blankets before he went to bed. He came out of the room laughing; He had just witnessed Will picking his nose in his sleep! His sleep, I tell ya. His nose bleeds because he picks it so much.

And finally, though I'm sure I haven't covered all the gross things boys do, Mike and I were having a quiet lunch (the boys had already finished and were playing outside) when Mike let out a gasp. He said, "You will never believe what our boy is doing right now." I looked out the window to see Will peeing outside on the lawn!!! What?! How could my little, sweet boy be doing something so disgusting?

I am outnumbered in this house.


Lokodi said…
Come to Germany and you'll see grown men peeing right on the side of the road, not covered up or anything. It's quite discusting.

Cali said…
I'm glad I'm not in Germany! Boys can be quite gross. But, it really makes for some fun memories, right?
chelsey said…
I remember the first time Geoff tried to pee outside. I was shocked too! The funny thing was that he learned to do it from our neighbor GIRL who used to squat on her front lawn. Oh boy. That was a sight for sore eyes. Literally.
I think Geoff was about Will's age too.
Did anyone else get a flashback to Ralph Wiggam from the Simpsons? "The doctor says that my nose will stop bleeding if I just keep my finger out of there."
Jess and Jen said…
AWESOME! I can't convince my girls to pee outside. They roll my eyes at me when I suggest it. -Jess
Amy E said…
Hmmm...girls put their hands down their pants, too, as my youngest demonstrates nearly daily. Both girls have been caught picking their noses, and a friend of mine with a three little girls has caught one pooping in the back yard because "that's what doggies do!" HAha...girls and boys can be equally disgusting, I think. :)
Lindsey, that is really sick.

Cali, yes, it does make for some funny memories.

Chelsey and Amy, I'm glad to hear that boys aren't the only disgusting ones! I actually do have a gross memory of peeing outside: We used to swim in our baby pool and mom wouldn't let us in because we were wet so we couldn't go to the bathroom. I remember sitting on the curb, with you (Chelsey) and Jess and peeing while sitting there. I remember thinking, "Ha, we are so sneaky. No one will know we are peeing. They will just think we are dripping water from the pool."

Andy, Mike liked your comment.

Jess, I can see Abby and Leah rolling their eyes at you.
Carolina said…
But wouldn't it be nice to have the option of peeing wherever you wanted to? It's gross, but it's convenient!

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