They say when it rains, it pours

I wasn't intending to write a post today but I thought I'd write an update on my brother and family. Ammon is doing OK. He had the second surgery on Friday. He lost all his blood and had to have blood pumped back into him. He is having a lot of problems with his lungs, not being able to get rid of the fluid in them and they are concerned about pneumonia. He is incubated again.

On Saturday my dad was taking a shower and slipped and broke a rib. He is in a lot of pain. My mom and dad have been taking turns staying in Salt Lake with Ammon. Thankfully they were both there together on Saturday. My sisters drove up to Salt Lake to pick up my dad and take him home.

I feel so sad for them all. Besides all the worry for Ammon, my parents are incredibly stressed and they are all homesick. My mom has had to come back each week to work for a few days a week before going back up to the hospital. My sisters have been home alone for the last six weeks. There isn't a single think I can do. My brother Jess has been taking the burden of taking care of my family. He has gone up early to be there when Ammon woke up on the days my parents weren't at the hospital yet. He has visited Ammon and my parents with his wife and girls. He gave Dad a blessing when he fell. I'm very thankful that he has been such a good help to them and I wish I were there to do the same thing. This is why I HATE not living closer to home.
My family has gotten through worse things than this so there is no doubt that we will get through this too. Check out Ammon's blog for updates on his recovery but be aware that there are some really awful pictures posted of him. Any prayer on their behalf are appreciated.


Jess and Jen said…
Hey girl, I wouldn't call it a "burden" of taking care of the family. I wish Mom and Dad would ask for more help. I've been up to the hospital a bunch of times, but Mom has asked me to come up only twice in the last 5 weeks. They're tough folks.

I wish there was a way we could help Gilly and Katy at home more. It's logistically tough for us to do much down there and I'm sure they could use some sisters around to simply give them a change of pace or scenery. Brothers just don't seem to cut it.
Cali said…
I'm so sorry Adrianne. It is really hard to be away from family, but especially when they could really use some help and you want to be there.

I hope that Ammon is alright. He is such an amazing person. I just remember feeling so much love emanating from him every time I have been with him.
Amy E said…
I'm so sad to read this post. I really feel for your family and the struggles going on. I have always been impressed by your family's strength and continue to be. Please know our prayers are with everyone. I know how hard it is to be far away from everyone. My prayers are with you, too. Love to all.
Marcy said…
Praying for your family from Santaquin. Love you.
Chersten said…
We will pray for you too.
gillian said…
You know when this whole thing started (Ammon going up to the hospital for his first surgery), we had no idea it would be this hard! I dont think it would be as hard if most of our family lived close. Its kind of just Katy and I trying to get by, and we are doing just fine. I think the hardest thing for us is to see how sad Mom and Dad have been. I think they feel like they arent doing enough but I am almost 20 and we are OK here at home. Dont worry about us! We do love you though and are very excited to see the fam when they come out for Dave's wedding!
Zach and Nikki said…
I'm sorry Adrianne. Your family has been through so much already. I'll be praying for them and you too.
Elder Richey said…
Oh, Adrianne. I'm so sorry. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Mandi E said…
I just thought I'd add my own empathy to the list. I am so awed by you and your family. I'm glad to know what's going on, just so I can add my prayers to the slew. I'm proud of you. I know how hard it is being away from family when you don't want to be, and even though it doesn't feel like it, I'm sure you're where you need to be.

I remember Ammon as being a little kid. It's amazing to think that even when you don't keep tabs on a person they grow up anyway. He will be in my prayers.
tyalpabr said…
I was just checking out Ammon's blog and I can't stop crying. What a brave young man!! Our hearts and prayers go out to him and your family...and to you. I can't imagine how hard it is to be away from your family at this time. We hope to continue to hear good news of his recovery.

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