More explanations

Rolling over my baby
There isn't much of a story to tell. We were going for a walk and the baby hates the sun in his eyes so he was crying. I picked him up and held him while pushing the stroller until I couldn't anymore and then put him back in the stroller. I didn't strap him in and we kept walking. All of the sudden I felt a thump and stopped to see that the baby had somehow (I still have no idea how) slid under the bar of the stroller and fell onto the ground face first--and then I rolled over him. He pretty much screamed the rest of the night and had a nice road burn but when he woke up the next morning his face looked fine. Thankfully, there hasn't been any adverse effects from the experience other than the fact that he freaks out when I put him in the stroller now. It's too bad he can't have the memory of a fish. Don't fish have memories of like five seconds? He isn't like a fish and still remembers the trauma I put him through.

Utah here I come
I bought my plane ticket and will be in Utah on the 22nd of October. I am leaving everyone my dreams. I am leaving everyone behind but the baby. Wouldn't it be a nice vacation to go by myself? I thought Mike would be home every day I was gone but he just informed me he has to take some class at work and the boys will have to have a babysitter for an entire day while he is at work. All our babysitters are at school and I'm not keen on the idea of dumping two crazy boys on anyone. So, we still have to figure that one out.

Our Stocks
There isn't really anything to say about this other than the fact that the recent market upheavals have lowered the value of our retirement fund $5,000. We aren't too worried about it because we don't plan on touching it for a long, long time. But still!

Food findings
The food finds I will post here. Don't be too excited, they are probably things you all knew about a long time ago.

The search for our "thing" is still being thought about but I think we do have a few. Although, if I have to search for them, do they really count? I'll post those later.


Nolo and Lauren said…
I'm sorry, but I couldn't help but laugh out loud when I read the stroller story. So sad for him, but still very funny. I'm sure he'll forget... may take a few years. j/k Always good to hear about ya'll.
Sorry about the stroller. Nick loved getting into his stroller and it was often our savior when Laura needed some alone time. I would pull out the stroller, and Nick would come over as happy as can be.
Team Clark said…
Interesting stroller story. I'm sure that one doesn't happen much! Glad he's okay, though. Hope you are okay about it, too.
SO excited to see you and your babe next month. Too bad the rest of the crew can't come!

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