Praying with the boys

The boys woke me up this morning. They ran in and jumped on my bed. Will said to me, "I heard a noise and I opened my eyes. I said to Isaac, 'you have to pray to Heavenly Father and he will make you not scared.'" He told me he helped Isaac say his prayers. I asked what he said and he told me, "I told him to say, 'Heavenly Father please bless that I won't be scared.'" We talked for a little longer and then I said, "Ok, I need to say my prayers before we go have breakfast." Will asked if he could tell me what to say. I asked him what I should say and he said, "Dear Heavenly Father, please help me not be scared. Please bless that the baby won't pee on my bed. Bless that he will close his eyes and go to sleep today." It was interesting to hear what things he thought I needed to pray about.

Isaac comes into my room in the mornings and will usually get in bed with me for a few minutes. Yesterday I heard the boys talking to each other so I decided I better say my prayers before they came in. While I was praying Isaac came in. He said, "Mommy? You praying?" Then Will came in and he said, "Shh, Will. Mommy saying prayers."

It was really cute and I'm glad they are learning about prayer. I remember when I was a little girl and I was afraid of the dark. I used to say my prayers out loud and every night I would say, "Please help me not have a bad dream, please help me not have a bad dream," over and over. I was sure that the nights I didn't say it over and over that I had bad dreams and I was certain that Heavenly Father would help me not to have bad dreams if I just asked enough. One night as I was saying it over a thousand times, my brother walked by and started laughing. I was embarrassed and decided I wouldn't pray out loud anymore. But I still did it in my head every night.

Thinking back it seems silly that I believed I had to say it over a thousand times to be answered. But, I also think that it is amazing that at such a young age I had faith in prayer and I knew that I just had to pray and God would answer me. I wish I could say that my faith in prayer is always that strong now.

The single most important thing in my gaining a testimony about the need to pray every day was walking in on my dad while he was in his room praying. Mike and I started saying their prayers for them from the minute they came home from the hospital. I hope my boys see me pray their whole lives and I hope they learn for themselves how important prayer is.


That is so sweet!! You're a great mom if they're helping each other like that!! A seriously great mom!
Marcy said…
You're a great example.
Jess and Jason said…
I also love to hear what the kids think we need to pray for. Sometimes when Layla is praying over dinner she will pray for all kinds of random things and forget to be thankful and bless the meal. But it is so sweet that she remembers everything else.

You are good parents to have already taught your children the necessity of prayer.
chelsey said…
Geoff will repeat things in his prayers over and over too. I think I did as a kid also! I'm not sure why we seem to think if we just ask enough we'll get what we want. I guess we need to be careful what we ask for...

I love praying with the kids. Sarah's are all business while Geoff is trying to get a little more heartfelt. Jake is at the bless everything and everyone phase. He blessed the water and bread from church yesterday! I always leave their prayers with a smile. And it's great to remember seeing mom and dad pray at night. I swear there were nights dad fell asleep on his knees (though he'd never admit that! ;))!
Cali said…
Thanks for sharing this. You are such a good example--and I am glad that you reminded me of the importance of prayer. I always forget to pray in the morning, and I realize that I need to do better. Just remembering that our little ones do watch everything that we do is a good reminder.
Carolina said…
Um, I still sometimes pray to not be scared over and over. Seriously.

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