8 weeks!

Mr. Eli or (Nija as will likes to call him) is 8 weeks today. He is smiling and cooing. We love it. We are so glad he is in our family.


Jess and Jen said…
I love that Will calls him Nija. Did you spike his hair or is it just naturally that way? He's cute.

Marcy said…
He looks like a good mix of your other boys to me. So fun!
His hair naturally stands up. Isaac's did the same thing.
Carolina said…
Adorable. I hope you are getting more rest now that the baby is sleeping better.
Carolina, I average about five hours of sleep a night. Depending on how much he sleeps during the day, he wakes up 1 to 2 times a night. Every day he has one long stretch where he is awake for 6-9 hours with no nap at all. We are making small improvements. We are starting to just let him cry...it doesn't do a lot of good yet but I'm confident he will start crying himself to sleep if we keep it up long enough...or, he'll just figure out how to soothe himself to sleep.
Carolina said…
I hope it starts working for you--I remember how upset and emotionally strained I was when I wasn't getting enough sleep at night and when Alex wasn't consistently taking naps. Just remember this is only a phase--it will (it HAS to) get better.
Jess and Jason said…
He is very cute. It is hard for me to believe that he is already eight weeks old.

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