Letters to Ammon

Dear Ammon,

This week mommy got me a new puzzle because I woke up every morning this week with a dry pull-up. I can get up and go potty by myself in the middle of the night. I went to the dentist this week. They let me wear sunglasses so the light wasn't shining in my eyes. The dentist looked in my mouth. I got a new toothbrush.

jiuyt2wqttttttttttttttyullnmvxxzasdjkjjj123.3gggggggxxxxhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjjjx will


Papa Doc said…
Will, it sounds like you are getting to be a very big boy! I am so impressed that you let the dentist look in your mouth. Did you like the dentist visit?
It's great that you are having dry pants now and that you can go to the potty by yourself. You really are a big boy!
Grandma C.

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