Most of you already know but if you don't....

We are expecting our third little baby. Here are answers to the questions you might have:

How far along am I? I am 16 weeks tomorrow.
When is my due date? May 4th. I'd say plan to hear an announcement about the birth anywhere between April 4th and the due date. Although, maybe this one will come late. The doctor mentioned steroids or something to make me go longer.
How far apart are Isaac and the new one? They will be 21 months apart.
How do I feel? I feel fine. I really can't complain. My pregnancies are so incredibly different from each other. I'm much sicker than I was with Isaac but a thousand times better than with Will. I still feel a bit sick at times but overall, not bad. I figure that even if I am still sick all the rest of the mornings until this baby comes at least I'm better than I was with Will. I'm mainly just TIRED!
What do I want to have? I have to say that I absolutely love boys. I would be completely happy to have another boy. I might surprise myself and be disappointed if I find out it's not a girl but I doubt it.
Where we planning this? Not that I really need to answer this question but because people always want to know, yes. Well, kind of. We were praying about it. I was hoping the answer would be not yet, but I'm glad Heavenly Father knows me. My main deal is that I'm not overly confident in my abilities as a mom and new mother but I think I'd feel the same if it were a year from now.
Do I want all my kids to be close? I don't really make plans like that. We just need to go one at a time. Most importantly I need to be physically, mentally, and emotionally capable.
How am I feeling about gaining weight again? No one has actually asked me this question but it is a concern for me. I REALLY, REALLY struggled with this last year so I am very apprehensive about what will happen. I just have to do my best to stay active and hope I don't gain too much and lose it quickly after. I'll be totally depressed if I get as fat as I was last time.
Are we excited? Mike is very excited. I didn't want to tell anyone until we knew the sex but Mike couldn't wait and told everyone. I made him wait until 7 weeks to tell people, which is the longest he has ever made it. I am excited too--excited, apprehensive, tired, overwhelmed, but mainly excited to have another wonderful baby. Ask me this question in a few months...or ask me this question in about two weeks when Mike goes to Guam for three weeks and the answer will be different, I'm sure.


Jess and Jen said…
What?! You're pregnant?! I'm your brother, for heaven's sakes! Won't you tell your brother?!

Okay, okay, so I already knew.

Congratulations. Three kids can be a joy and a real handful. I speak from experience. You're going to be 27 with three kids, which is exactly what Jen was.
I'll actually have just turned 28. I can't believe I'll be that old. It's weird to think I'm so close to 30.
Frances said…
WOW!! Congratulations. I'm so happy for you. Actually, I'm thrilled I'm not in your place!! Just kidding. I'm really not ready but hearing your news and excitement helps me to know one day I will be ready for #3. You are an amazing mom, I'm so proud of you!
Carolina said…
Congratulations!! I hope you get over the nausea and exhaustion quickly so you can enjoy all of the fun pregnancy milestones that follow. From what I can tell, you're a great mother to your two boys--and you will be a great mother for this next baby, too.
Marcy said…

Leave it to you to announce it to the blogosphere with 20 questions! You're great. Good luck!

Cali said…
Congratulations again! I still giggle at how are families are so similar in the spacing of our children! I guress we'll just have to be next door nieghbors in the future so that our kids can be friends--that would be a blast!
Cali said…
Excuse me...yes, I do know that I should have written "our families" and not "are families"--chalk it up to being forgetful because I'm pregnant!
CLAMES said…
Wow! That is exciting news! Congratulations!
Steff said…
Congratulations!! That's so exciting. I want to have another one yeah...sometime. You are such a good Mom. I wish you lived closer so I could help you. Don't worry about being close to 30. It feels great! Congrats again!
Jess and Jason said…
Congratulations. You are a great mom to the two boys you have. I know you will be just fine with three.
Elder Richey said…
That is such wonderful news!! Just the other day I was reading your blog (or maybe it was your other blog) and thinking about what a great mom you are and how lucky your kids (now and future) are to have you for their mom. I wish you all the best!!

Mike's a great dad too :)

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