I am not too proud to admit I was wrong

Will started going potty so well. I was really surprised but also very pleased. While I'd like to believe my children are spectacular and different than other children, I'm not that naive. He just started going and never had an accident and I was hoping that meant that we would be free from all the annoying accidents other moms had to deal with. He went like a month with no accidents ever. Then he decided to be a normal child and wet himself whenever he pleases (which is usually in the evening). We were at the library yesterday and we weren't even there for longer than a half an hour when Will says, "Oh no. Mom look." I look and he's just peed on the floor! Rotten child. I was so angry. I tell him we are leaving immediately and he starts screaming his brains off. I had to tell a librarian and told her I'd clean it up but she said not to worry about it, that someone else would clean it. I'm trying to check out the books while Will is screaming and Isaac is running away from me. So now Will is back to diapers and he's not wearing underwear until he figures out how to pee in the toilet.


Jess and Jen said…
Ah, yes...kids we think are "cured" from bedwetting who suddenly revert back to their caveman ways urinating all over themselves. We know that story well (Abby).
Pitcher Family said…
Sorry that you have a normal child! It would be nice to have a potty training genius, wouldn't it? I had a similar experience at the library with Braden. They had just installed new carpeting that week, and Braden welcomed it to the children's section by wetting all over it. I think the librarians must be used to that kind of thing, because they were not shocked or upset, just told me not to worry about it. Good luck!
Marcy said…
welcome to the accident world. i just figure the carpet in my girls' room will be one complete pee stain when we finally get around to selling the house or changing the carpet out when every single one of our kids is officially potty trained.

we had another lovely episode today!
Lisa said…
I'm glad to hear that there's nothing wrong with my kid. I have to admit that I was jealous when I read how easily Will was potty training. Hopefully, now when he really decides he wants to be potty trained, it will be a snap. I can just picture the whole scene at the library...I'm sorry! Heidi always seems to make trouble when we go to the library also.
Zach and Nikki said…
This is what I get to look forward to. Thanks for sharing the truth- I'm sure I'll appreciate it when this sort of thing happens to me someday.

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