Some of my favorite children stories this week

1. We just got our sandbox filled with sand. The boys are busy in there all day. I love when they get out of the sandbox for their naps and they are covered in sand. Isaac has it all over his mouth because he thinks it tastes good. Will has it all over his hair. I make them shake all the sand off but even then, when I get them out of bed their pillows are covered.

2. I taught Will how to play hide-and-go-seek. It is awesome to walk around the house and say, "Is Will in the bedroom, Isaac? Is he in the closet?" and hear a voice giggle and say, "NO! I in the bathtub!" He does a pretty good job hiding except he hides anywhere you hid last or goes between the two bathtubs. Counting is fun too. He sits on the couch with his eyes covered and counts to 20. He can count to 20 and only miss a few numbers. He forgets 14 and 19. My favorite is when he says, "fifteen, sixteen, sebenteen..."

3. Will can say most things right but he has a hard time with his S's. Sometimes he does fine (like when he says his numbers) but other times he struggles. He really has a hard time when there is a T right after the S. So he says, "nake" instead of "snake" or "nack" instead of "snack." But my favorite thing he said last night was, "Where's my little stick" except he didn't say the S or T. He left the S off and turned the T into a D! Mike and I both had a good laugh at that one.

4. I have discovered that when Isaac feels well he is the perfect child. He has been so much fun this week. I don't have anything specific to tell that he has done this week except that it's been really fun to watch him learn stuff. He is trying to say "Cat," "Dog," "Hot," and "food." His favorite game right now is to run away from me when I tell him to come to me or to run around the house with me, Will, or Mike chasing him--he's not picky.


Lokodi said…
that's a cute post. there are definate perks of being a mother huh! I like it when i put eva to bed and a while later, i hear her playing and talking to herself until she falls asleep. it's quite cute.
Jess and Jason said…
Your boys are super cute!
chelsey said…
These are the moments to remember. Sometimes they're few and far between so it makes them that much more valuable. Enjoy.
Dad and Mom said…
I love the pictures and the stories about your boys are so much fun to read. I wish that I could come and play hide and seek with Will!
Lindsey, I love when Will sings himself to sleep. I would love to see Eva!

Jessie, thanks. You have super cute kids too. You should post some more pictures of them on the family blog.

Chelsey, hopefully we will get to Ohio next year so the boys can play with your kids.

Mom, Will would love playing hide and seek with you. You would be his new best friend. We miss you!

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