Reason #2

Mike is a genius--people tell me this so I'm not the only one that believes it. He loves to learn and try new things. Some examples of things he has tried doing are sewing, crochet, making cheese, candle making. Mike doesn't really care if something is a "boy" thing or a "girl" thing. If he wants to learn it, he will. He is good at just about every thing he tries and if we try them together he is usually better than me. Mike is really good at woodworking, playing the piano (among other instruments he knows how to play), and cooking. He likes to read but usually reads weird books like "Upgrading and Repairing PC's." Mike is excited to retire so he can go back to school and learn things--anything. He has lots of ideas of inventions and once found a way to hook up a PlayStation to a bike. It was a fun little invention and we tried out the game James Bond. When you pedaled, James would move forward fast or slow depending on how fast you pedaled. Unfortunately, someone invented the same idea at the same time. Anyway, I'm sure that one day he will be a billionaire because of some awesome invention. I hope our kids inherited his brains! I love that my husband is a genius.


Jess and Jason said…
I think I would call Mike an evil genius...not because he is evil, but just because it sounds cooler.

I just have to say, who else would have ever thought to attach a bike to a playstation...weirdos!
Zach and Nikki said…
I have to say it was always interesting when you two were dating in college. I remember coming back to the apartment and Mike would be building a steamboat in a baking pan, or you two would be sewing bell-bottom pants. It could never be predicted what Mike would want to do next. I'd agree- he is a genius and it's probably because he loves to learn- what a gift!

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