Our biggest financial mistake part 1

As the title states, this post will be about our biggest financial mistake. That mistake would be owning this home! Only a few months after owning this home our house settled and we had to pay $2,500 to get it fixed. Now, a few months after that our plumbing went bad and we had to pay $2,200 to get it fixed. For those of you that think we go to our backyard and pull money off our tree when we need some, you would be wrong. Or, for those of you that do have a tree that miraculously gives you money, you won't understand that we don't have that kind of money! We are pretty much broke now.

I will say though that while the house is our worse financial mistake, I can't imagine living in our last apartment with two little boys--no backyard, cockroaches running around, smelly neighbors, gangs yelling outside our windows at 2:00 AM, and lots of other fun things.


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