A little present

Will, Isaac, and I were sitting at the dinner table last night and we were practicing our colors while eating. We were having fun pointing to things on the table and saying what colors they were. Will pooped and then said, "Mommy, baby poot." I told him not to lie to me because I just saw him poop and it wasn't nice to blame things on his brother. Anyway, I got up to put something in the sink and turned around to see Will holding his hand up in the air and saying, "Momma, look." He had put his hand down his diaper and grabbed some poop! What the freak? Before I could do anything he threw the poop on the floor!!! I made him pick it up and throw it away and then sit on the naughty chair. What could he possibly have been thinking?


shannon said…
um, that he was two?

Adrianne, i think you must have a much cleaner life than mine if this came as such a shock. :) has marcy ever told you her (well, her kids') poop stories?

avery took off her diaper and pooped in her crib ONCE when she was 2ish. she had piled all her stuffed animals and books and blanket, pillow, even the crib sheet into one corner, and pooped in the other.
That is awesome. At least she moved all her stuff before she pooped. Marcy told me that her girls used to pee in their beds or something and they had to put a safety pin on the zipper to stop her. So far, we haven't had any problems with Will doing things like that. He has pooped in the tub a few times. He isn't potty training yet but is interested. He loves to sit on the toilet and will tell me when he needs to poop (sometimes). I keep thinking that when he starts training he will start doing crazy pooping things but so far this is the first.
Marcy said…
Ewwww. Yes, Olivia did poop in her crib once or twice and smear it everywhere. If she had had stuff in her crib it would have been all over it too. Alison, on the other hand, has done it 4 or 5 times. Now I should wonder what it is about me as a mom that makes my kids do such things--maybe I'll figure it out someday--but the big question is how I could be so stupid to not have Alison be in her "backerd jammies" every single time since that first time? Actually, one or two of the times she did it by getting her jammies off when I thought for sure they were securely on.

Oh well. So gross. Poop in the tub is so gross too.
tarable said…
Adrianne, we've been really lucky so far in the poop department, but I have tons of awesome/gross/incredible stories from friends of mine. Potty training is hard, I thought Alden was doing so great (Shannon was jealous) but we've had major backsliding and I've kind of given up for the moment. BTW, I've been putting my boys in the same room since our vacation to Utah last week and it's going very well. I figured if they could do it on vacation, they could do it at home. My big motivation was to reclaim our office/craft room for a while before we have another baby, which we're thinking about.
Tara, that's cool. We had in-laws here over the weekend and the boys stayed in the same room for the first time. They actaully did really well too. Naptime didn't go so well though. But, we won't be having a baby anytime soon so they can continue to be in their own rooms for awhile.
Elder Richey said…
Adrianne, your posts are the funniest! I love that he blamed his brother--nice try, Will.
Katie!!! I missed you! I have been checking your blog hoping you were back on. Now I see you are and I'm excited to go to your blog and see more pictures of your house!
Jess and Jason said…
All I can say is GROSS!!!!

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