First Fruits


Marcy said…
you guys are awesome growers!
We love going out to the garden every day and seeing if anything new is happening. It's kind of funny. This is our second garden. Our first one was a flop. We planted a lot of stuff from seeds and all but our squash died. It was really sad. We don't even love squash (although we have since found some good recipes for squash and zucchini). My brother told us later we planted under a tree that produces enzymes that kills everything around it but certain weeds. So now we know not to do that again. Anyway, we like gardens. They are fun.
shannon said…
i know i've already said this, but i am so jealous and so in awe!! how come i don't have a garden? what is wrong with me??

squash stuffed with sausage and rice, etc is really good.

after seeing these picture of yours last night, i dreamed that i had a tree in my backyard that was growing avocados, zucchini, crookneck squash and tomatoes (all up high together right under the palm-tree-like fronds). i guess those are my favorites.
Jess and Jason said…
Thank you for sharing thse pictures with everyone. I am so happy that your garden has been so fruitful!
I think I may need to go and buy some veggie plants today!
Jess and Jen said…
Man, what do you do with all What do you do with Pear Tomatoes? As far as I'm concerned, those look like good things to throw! (Can you tell, I still have a strong aversion to tomatoes?)

Glad your garden is flourishing. I think Jen and I will start one next spring.
Shannon, that is really funny to me. You will have to send me recipes for squash (and zucchini if you have any). You can have a garden--Florida probably has a long growing season. We don't know a lot about gardening and we have one so I'm sure you can do it too!

Jessie, What veggies are you going to buy? We had an enrichment here that was just about container gardens. It was really cool. I never even thought of the possibility of having your veggie/fruit garden all in containers. So, you should try it (or just steal some of mom's gardening spots).

Jess, I know you hate tomatoes. We didn't mean to have so many tomato plants. We bought two and then I won a tomato plant at enrichment and then a lady that Mike Home Teaches bought us the Pear tomatoes. We haven't ever had Pear tomatoes but they turn yellow and they are supposed to be really good. As far as what we will do with all the is a little deceiving because only part of the garden is ours. The other part belongs to a couple in our ward. They have only been over a few times to check on it though so Mike and I have basically taken care of the whole thing. So, we feel like it is ours even though we will let them harvest it. And the stuff that is ours we will eat and then give extras to our neighbors.
Papa Doc said…
Awesome garden, kiddos! I remember your first one -- even the tiny raspberries and strawberries. Good job -- it's always good to share with neighbors (just took over a bowl full of strawberries to our next door neighbor this morning), but it's also very important that you learn to harvest and store some of the food that you grow. Get a county extension pamphlet and you will get all kinds of hints and helps with how to can, freeze, or preserve your food. Believe me, I know what's happening to food prices and it scares me half to death! I purchase food all day long for my job and the more we can store from what we grow, the safer we will be. I know that sounds old-fashioned to some of you young mothers, but it's truly important that you learn how to bottle, freeze or dry food properly. Just ask Spencer W. Kimball!!
Mom Clark
Kaitlin Lanham said…
For some reason I didn't know that you had a garden... weird huh? I read your comment on my blog. Of I like the Colts! Hello!!! I was born in Indiana! Our whole family loves the Colts. Where have you been?

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