Little updates

This is the beginning of my quiet book for Will. I think it is so much fun! There are little pockets behind the green felt where Will can match the different stuff. We are also going to make pages with colors and shapes and balls. Then we will start on a religious one.
In other news, Mike and I put the scale away. I know Mike didn't throw it away but I feel no desire to search for it so it might as well be thrown away. It is such a relief.
Isaac finally got his first tooth. It took him forever. He had a fever all week and was miserable. The doctor said she felt four teeth a month ago so it looks like he has a few more to go but the last two days have been wonderful with him so I hope it isn't as bad every time he gets a tooth!
I took Will out with me yesterday on just a Mommy/Will outing. He has been pretty defiant lately and I wondered if it was because I have had to spend so much time with Isaac because of his fever. So, I decided I should take Will with me. We went and fed some fish (I'm the fish feeder for my visiting teachee while she is out of town) and went to a craft store and then I took him to get an ice cream cone.
The experience taught me something important though. First, I shouldn't tell Will that he gets an ice cream cone to convince him to come with me--it's sad that he didn't want to come in the first place but hey, he just woke up from his nap and is always cranky afterwards. The entire time we were at the craft store he kept whining, "Ice cream?" I felt like one of those moms that is like, "be quiet and I'll get you a treat." Does that even work? I imagine it would just make them whine more--at least that is what happened with Will.
Second, I should maybe take him out to get food at a restaurant more than I do because he wouldn't share with me!! I can count on my fingers the amount of times Will has gotten to go out to eat. Hmmm. Maybe i'm a bad mom. Isn't that part of the mommy contract--take your kids out to eat and have fries all over your car at least once a week? I think I'm failing that part. It was like, he thought, "Don't share. Make every bite count. This isn't going to happen again for a long time." Poor Will. Maybe if I took him out to eat more he'd be willing to share with me. I doubt it.


Jess and Jason said…
I think you are a better mom because you don't take him out all the time. When I had just Austin we NEVER went to fast food or drive throughs. We were always home. Then Layla came and we still never ate out...
I think the change happened when Austin started school and gymnastics classes and we were in the car a lot more often at lunch time...
I love the book!
And I think you should take Will on more "dates".
Elder Richey said…
Tim and I both suffer from the, "Make every bite count because it might not happen for a long time syndrome" and we're adults! We're supposed to be able to go out whenever we want right? Even when we get fun foods like Oreos which is really rare we immediately revert back to our old little kid selves and eat as many as we can as quickly as we can because who knows when we'll have oreos again. Tim and I have turned out, right? Will will definitely be a fabulous individual (heck, he already is) and yes, you should take him on more dates. Dates are fun for everyone--moms included.
Marcy said…
That sounds like a fun time. I took Olivia with me to the store yesterday to buy groceries. Even that time together one on one is good, I think. I let her pick what kind of crackers we have for a picnic tomorrow with her cousins, etc. And she got a couple treats along the way and we bought a gumball to take home to Alison.

I like to use fast food restaurants as a rare treat. It's very motivating to my girls to be able to go down the slides--and to a lesser degree they love chicken nuggets and fries. So I've been meaning to have a chart that marks their progress in obeying or potty training or whatever we're working on and have a fast food restaurant as one of the prizes after the chart is complete.
shannon said…
my favorite fast-food restaurant is chick-fil-a, though i really like sonic too. i've now taken the kids to c-f-a 6 weeks in a row -- on tuesday nights because they eat free that night. for the two weeks tom was out of town, we took tom's dad with us.

then Grampa asked if he could come last week even though tom is in town. of course we said yes. i think this is a great ritual for us to connect with grandpa and have a little (big) treat. it gives us an excuse/reminder to see him once a week.

so, i agree--dates are fun for everyone (though i think i would enjoy the occasional "date" by myself).
Jessie, you should have mom make you a quiet book. Well, you should help mom make you a quiet book.

Katie, I agree! When we have treats in our house it's the same thing. I don't eat treats when Mike is gone at work though because I feel guilty that I'm eating all our yummies without Mike. Isn't that funny?

Marcy, I like the idea of having a restaurant as a reward.

Shannon, I am sure your kids will always remember their Chick-fil-A runs with you! I agree, I would like to go on a date without kids though. That would be nice.
Kaitlin Lanham said…
That is such a cute Idea! That will work pretty good in my opinion.

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