Captions are always the dumbest part

I've been feeling lately like I should write more so I sit here with my computer open typing but I honestly don't know what to write.  I'm not exactly sure what I need to say.  Even my journal just sits inside the drawer in my nightstand because I don't feel like I have much to say.  

I guess it will be interesting to see what words come out of my fingers and brain as I type this.

I am sure everyone is tired of hearing about sickness but that seems to be a common theme for our family over the last six months.  As soon as school ended, I drove Isaac to the doctor and said, "He's been sick for months and the last round has lasted three weeks.  Can you help him get better?"  Isaac played it down, telling the doctor his lungs didn't hurt that bad and didn't hurt when he coughed (even though days before he told me he was positive he had bronchitis).  The doctor listened to his lungs and did all the rest of his check-up and said, "He sounds ok.  I don't see much wrong with him but since this cough and cold has lasted so long, let's take some blood tests and a chest x-ray."  The results came back really quickly, maybe just a few minutes, and once sitting back in the doctor's office he said, "Well, I'm surprised.  I thought we were just wasting our time by doing all the blood work and x-ray but it looks like he has walking pneumonia."  Huh.  Eli is also still coughing but at the end of things and the doctor said I could bring him in as well and get medicine for him but when I got home Eli said he would rather just wait it out.  The rest of us are not sick (yet) with mostly just scratchy throats but indications that we may be headed in that direction.  I'm shoving anti-inflammatory, immunity boosting foods and supplements down everyone's throat.  They are skeptical and I don't care.  I'm of the opinion that trying something, even if it doesn't work, could help.  

Thankfully, the sicknesses that have bothered our family over the last six months seem to be mostly the cold/sinus infection type not the barfing type.  

I kind of decided when we moved here that I didn't want to do photoshoots for people.  I didn't offer my skills to anyone and said no when people asked. As time has gone on, more people have asked and I've decided to say yes.  I still haven't charged anyone but I'm thinking I need to change that soon.  I haven't done a lot of photoshoots but they are increasing as time goes on.  So far I've done four senior photoshoots (including Will), two missionary photoshoots, and one family photoshoot.  I have another family photoshoot coming up once the rainy season ends.  It's been a good experience.  Taking photos in Tokyo is such a different experience than anything I've ever done before.  

My last photoshoot was of a girl in our ward.  She is so painfully shy.  She wanted photos in Shibuya.  I've talked about Shibuya on here previously.  It's really busy.  She sent me some ideas of what she was thinking and when I saw them I thought, "well shoot.  I'm not good enough to pull this kind of confidence out of her."  She wanted very instagram, dramatic posing photos.  The kind you'd see a model do or someone very comfortable in front of the camera might do.  Long story short, when we met, I gave her three areas of Shibuya to shoot at ranging from most crowded to least crowded.  Predictably she choose the least crowded area and gave an automatic "no" when asked if she needed/wanted the Shibuya scramble.  By the end of the shoot she asked me if we could go to the scramble and she was so confident in the crowd of hundreds of people crushing around her that when we hopped out of the street and waited for the light to change again, a lady approached her and asked if she was a model and if she worked for a modeling agency.  She was looking for a hair model and wanted to know if Kylie would work for her.  

I think it was a really successful experience, obviously.  

That's enough for today.  

I've got to go brave the rain and walk to the bread shop and then go to the grocery store for carrots, noodles, eggs, and pineapple.  I've got laundry to wash and fold, dishes to wash, scriptures to read, rooms to tidy, etc, etc.  


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