Freelensing, bird and bunny

I tried freelensing again.  It is really fun and really hard.  I tried to win a lensbaby (a tilt-shift lens) for my birthday but sadly, but not surprisingly, I didn't win.  A lensbaby is not high on my list of lenses to purchase so for now, I'll have to practice doing it by hand.  I think for macro style photos, you are supposed to do a different technique but I don't even understand what it is (I've read something like you are supposed to flip the lens around?!) so I just did my best with the way I know how.  It is really difficult to get the focus where I want it and I am not very good at it.  I was actually really pleased with how the chalk rainbow art photos with Piper turned out and the photo with Jesus.  I took a risk and added some of my freelensing photos into my Click Pro application (more on that later).  I knew that the focus had to be spot on if I was going to include them.  I did not try freelensing with the bunny or the bird but I'm throwing them in this post anyway.  



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