Snow, Sledding

We've had a bit of snow this last month.  This fall/winter has so far been so much easier than last year (I know it isn't technically Winter yet, but close enough).  I think moving from such a hot place to a snowy, cold place made last year hard.  Also, last year it seems like we were dumped on in Colorado and this year we have had measurable snow storms but not that bad.  I hope it stays that way because I don't mind the seasons and I don't mind the snow, but I don't love it when it stays around and when we don't get a break from the cold.  Piper has been enjoying the snow and made a snow fort, which Will so kindly helped fix when it tried to collapse.  I also took the kids to the High School near us and let them sled.  Piper was probably only three the last time she went sledding and Felicity has never been so it was extra exciting for them.  They fell off on the last run and that was a kind of sad way to end the sledding experience in tears but they want to go back.  I took them after the last final was taken and I think it was a good way to let go of the stress of school and finals and a good way to start our Christmas break.  

The random photo of Mike has nothing to do with snow or sledding or finals.  Our van has been having issues.  I've talked about the rubber mallet that resides in my van for when it won't start and I have to bang on the fuse box on the dashboard.  Mike fixed it.  He somehow hotwired the van and now when it doesn't start, instead of hitting it with a mallet, I just press a tiny little button and the van comes to life.  It's kind of amazing to have a husband who can figure that out.  Now that I've written this paragraph, I can't remember if I've already written about it but oh well, you can just ignore it if I have.  Anyway, we have money in savings waiting to purchase a new van but since we don't know if we will be overseas or not, we don't want to buy a new vehicle yet.  My hope is that now that we have a good fix for it not starting up, we can pass the van on to Will and buy a new van this summer.  The problem has something to do with the anti-theft feature of the van so hotwiring it was kind of cool.  Mike was so excited to see if his idea worked that he didn't even bother to change out of his robe and just went to work.  I feel thankful to have a working van and grateful that we don't have to buy one right this second.



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