
More September Snippets:

I asked a friend if I could practice taking pictures on her kids.  She said yes so I went to scout places.  I wanted somewhere close so I took a walk to the library, which is just across the street basically, and walked all around the grounds looking for places that I could snap pictures.  The girls came as my models.  I found some great options for photos and took pictures a few days later.  I did a good enough job that the mom then asked if I'd take their family pictures a few weeks later.  We went back to the library again and took more.

Piper played soccer.  A woman in our ward offers to coach soccer for free to preschool and k-2 kids.  Most of the kids are from our ward but there are enough kids participating to play a full game each week.  The preschoolers meet the first hour and the k-2 the second hour.  In the spring Felicity will be old enough to participate if we choose to do it again.  Piper loved it.  So much progress from two years ago when she had super amounts of anxiety when playing soccer.

Mike stung up a swing in the backyard.  The kids LOVED it.  They spent a lot of time out playing on the swing.  The big rope broke ones so Mike got a stronger one but then the actually fabric swing broke so we will have to buy a tire swing or something like that instead.


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