Picture Dump--April, Eli

Because I'm so far behind, I will have to do another picture dump.  I'm not very good at this blogging thing anymore.  I wonder how I ever had time to do it in the past as frequently as I did.  I have to go all the way back to April so bear with me.  My goal is to get the last six years of this blog printed out so I am just going to post a bunch of pictures and try and remember everything that happened between then and now. 

Let's start with Eli.  Eli let me take some pictures of him for his birthday.  I can't say that he was thrilled (hence the blanket pictures where he is trying to hide).  This past year has been kind of hard for him.  I think having Mike home from his deployment has helped to settle things.  We had some rough days/weeks there for a bit. He has been working so hard at controlling his responses to his feelings and I'm really proud of him. He is growing so much.  It honestly kind of makes me sad.  His relationship with Piper has changed quite a bit.  They used to be inseparable but now they just bug each other.  Eli is maturing and even though he still has a wonderful imagination and loves to play outside, he is growing and I wish I could just keep him young and innocent forever.  I can't do that of course so I'll just try and appreciate this stage too.  Right now Eli is loving art and really enjoys the guitar.  He isn't in guitar lessons but Mike has and old guitar book that he is learning from.  I think if I can I'll try and find him a teacher.  He also loves music (singing, listening).  He is writing a book and spends his free time working on his next chapter.  He doesn't really like to read but he loves to listen to audio books.  He also really likes to organize things.  He doesn't particularly like chores but if I give him something I need organized, he will work put his ear buds in and organize while he listens to his book.  He still loves the swings.  He got his braces off the same week he had his birthday.  I've been really impressed with how well he has done with his retainer.  He's got another round of braces to go in the future but has some more teeth to lose first.  Eli is cool.  He's a great friend, he's a soft heart, he's really obedient, and he's really smart. 


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