Felicity really has the grouchy face down. She has been moping a lot lately. She is also really showing her independence. Everything is "myself" or "no, I do it." Her imagination is amazing lately. I LOVE to watch her pretend. She walks around with her babies and sings to them and rocks them and tucks them in bed and tell us all to be quiet because her babies are going "nigh-nigh." She talks so much and so well. She and Piper walk around calling each other "besties." If she doesn't get her way she will say, "Brother meanie." She says her own prayers, which is usually just, "Father. Lie-Lie (Eli), Wool (Will), Isaac, Piper, Mom, Dad, Lissy, Filly. Men." She is potty-training herself. I am a non-potty trainer. I just let them call the shots and do their thing and it's worked pretty much with all of my kids, though Piper was harder than the rest. It drags it out longer than it might if I just did an official potty training thing but I have found that my kids do a much better job if I just give them gentle reminders like, "Do you need to go to the potty?" The boys were all potty trained by the time they were three or just turning three and she just turned two so I see no need to push her. She tells me when she is peeing in her diaper and then she wants to sit on the potty. She has pooped in the potty twice now and is definitely showing more and more signs of understanding and progress. She loves to be outside. She loves to snuggle me. She still takes a pretty good nap each day. She is at such a fun stage right now.