So many appointments

No pictures today, just words.  Half of us are sick this week.  Sore throats, stuffy, sneezing, watery eyes.  When I wake up I don't want to adult but then I get up and I'm able to function.  I hope we get better before we head to South Carolina for Thanksgiving.

This week has been busy for us--basketball on Monday, three doctor's appointments, Science Class, P.E./Art, Field Day at Piper's preschool, and tomorrow she has a Thanksgiving Feast.  Then tomorrow night the boys and Mike have a camp-out.  Of course we also have Young Men's and Scouts.  Some of those things are normal, weekly things, but I feel like this has been a full week and being sick on top of it hasn't been fun.  I don't like full weeks.  I like quiet, uneventful weeks.

Lately we have had so many doctor's appointments.  I had my appointments this month for the blood work and Vitamin D deficiency, followed by the ultrasound today to rule out PCOS (the ultrasound looks totally fine so I guess blood work is the last step in ruling that out for good).  Will needed an eye appointment and new glasses because his glasses are a mess.  Not surprisingly, his eyes are worse.  He's at a -4.75 and a -4.  I feel bad for him because he's not even close to being done with puberty and his eyes will only get worse until he's done.

Will also had a dermatology appointment.  I've been taking Isaac and Will in for dermatology appointments for months now.  Both will probably be embarrassed that I'm writing this but honestly, not many people read this blog so I don't think it's that big of a deal.  Isaac had a monster wart on his toe that needed regular freezing.  He also has some suspicious moles.  There are two main moles that are worrisome but for now we are just monitoring those and he will get them checked out every six months.  Will, on the other hand, also had a wart which needed freezing, but mainly needed work for moluscum.  Moluscum is the devils virus, I swear.  It's so pesky.  Eli got it a few years ago in Tennessee.  I'm not sure where he got it but it was going around from kid to kid in the ward.  His wasn't terrible and didn't last too long.  Next, Isaac got one but that one also went away quickly.  Piper followed and she had hers for nearly 18 months.  It kept spreading and we did our best to keep it at bay.  For the most part, I don't think it was too bad compared to some I've seen other kids deal with.  I thought we were Moluscum free but then a few months before we moved Will showed me that he had them.  We waited until we had a new doctor and got the referral.  By that time they had spread.  His were on his inner thighs, making it easy to spread from leg to leg.  The doctor put Beetle Juice on them and it's been painful and annoying for him.  Every two weeks he's had to have the treatment and I just feel so bad for him.  But he's been such a good sport about it.  I've been impressed with his dedication to switching towels, never wearing the same shorts twice, even wearing ace bandages at night to keep his legs from touching each other and then washing the bandages daily.  This week was supposed to be our very last appointment for the treatment but sadly, it looks like Isaac might have them now.

Besides the dermatologist, we've started the journey of braces.  Both Will and Eli will have braces.  Currently Will has them on the top.  Both boys have a terrible overbite and serious crowding in their mouths.  Will is 12 and still has 12 baby teeth so his previous dentist had wanted to wait to give him time to lose more teeth but I can't even remember the last time he lost a tooth.  Finally, the dentist recommended we take him to an orthodontist when we moved.  He said that Will is going to need braces now to make room for his teeth and try and correct his overbite.  Then, when he has lost more teeth, he'll probably need braces again.  His overbite is bad enough that if the braces don't work they will do a metal mouth piece and if that doesn't work, break his jaw.  Eli has an even worse situation going on.  He's got a worse overbite than Will even and the orthodontist showed the scans and his jaw is all messed up and closing his wind pipe, which I didn't even know could happen.  Currently he has spacers on the top and bottom, expanders on the top and bottom, and in a few months will get braces on the top.  He also needs to lose a ton of teeth still so I'm sure we are looking at more braces for him in the future as well.

So, I feel like I'm pretty much running around town every day to take kids to appointments.  Next month I've got yearly check-up for the girls and we all need flu shots (base just barely got enough in for dependents and we all need to get better first).  After Thanksgiving I've got my appointment with the gynecologist (as mentioned above) and an appointment with the vascular surgeon about my varicose vein.  Mike has an appointment for a pulled muscle that isn't healing but thankfully, he can take himself to that one.  Is this normal?  Does every family have this many appointments all the time?  It seems excessive to me.


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