Pictures of the week
My brain is fried from lack of sleep so I don't even think I could attempt to write an interesting post right now. Instead, I'll let the pictures do most of the talking.
The boys are eating me out of the house this summer. I've been trying hard to think of other snack options besides the typical popcorn and goldfish. They love this Lemon Blueberry Yogurt Loaf.
Our garden is growing. Next year we will need to figure out what is happening with the soil because many of our plants seem to have a fungus. Our tomatoes are fighting to survive. Isaac planted corn and it is growing really well. We also have huge bushes of basil and mint and the cantaloupe and watermelon are trying to take over the garden. The boys are trying to working on soap carving this summer.
We love having a zoo membership. The zoo is so close to our house and I love it because we can go for an hour and see a couple of animals and then go home without me feeling like I've wasted some money. We go about once a week. The zoo has a large sprinkler pad in the middle of it so it's nice to go see the lions and giraffes and then cool down before we go see more animals.
Piper found a heart clover!
One upside to Piper and her napping issues is that it makes me sit for a long time outside her door and I've found that it is the perfect time to work on lesson plans for the coming year. I've got a couple of weeks planned so far.
This week zoo trip was a fun one! The boys really wanted to ride the camel and they each loved it!
Hope you enjoy your family trip.