This year our Halloween decorations are at a minimum. I was trying to think of some ways to decorate that would be easy this year. I decided to give their pictures a Halloween make-over. They were thrilled when they saw them. I giggle every time I walk by them. Piper in particular likes hers. Every time she sits under her picture she wants to grab it.
The boys didn't think my Halloween wreath was sufficiently creepy so I decided to make another one that they could appreciate. The snakes don't want to stay on very well so I will need to re-think things for next year--perhaps use some wire or something. For now, I can't do a lot so it will have to stay as it is. They like this wreath much better than my orange one with spiders on it.

The boys have Fall break this week. I have tried to think of some things to do that could keep them busy but every time I think of something I realize that I physically can't do it. Instead, I've tried hard to find things that Mike can help me plan the night before. My friend so kindly offered to have the kids come to her house for a little party. Mike did the shopping for me and made cupcakes for the kids to decorate and then I prepared a few other games. We went to her house and had some lunch and then she taught them how to make silly putty and we played the games I prepared and decorated their cupcakes. The boys laughed from the second they walked into their friend's house to the second they got back into the van to come home. It was a success. This week we also worked on a giant paper mache peach for a reading project Will has to do and later today they boys will get to watch a movie Mike rented for them and have popcorn. Mostly, they have just played here at the house, watched "shows" on Netflix, played the computer, and helped me with whatever I need. My friend called this morning and said they were going to play laser tag and she wanted to take my boys. So they are gone right now and Piper just woke up so I had to call another friend to ask her to help get Piper out of her crib. (seriously, my life right now is ridiculous.) What will I do without my little helpers when they go back to school and won't be here to help with Piper?!
Isaac enjoying his cupcake |
The boys were so excited to play the games |
Six boys/friends ready to play! |
The boys had to catch "zombie fingers" on their heads with shaving cream |
my favorite picture of the day! |
Piper is so spoiled. All the boys wanted to push her and she was just surrounded by helpers giving her their attention |
Happy Piperleigh |
The other game was a big ball of candy in plastic wrap that they had to undo. They all loved this game |
This morning they woke up to find snow all over the ground. They were ecstatic. It snowed one other time this week but just itty bitty flakes that you could hardly see. Today though, it snowed enough to stick and they were so happy and got right to work building a snowman. It is supposed to be in the 60's tomorrow and is already sunny and melting all the snow so it's a good thing they already did their playing in the snow. Also, we are considering going to Texas for school next year and that means they will see very little snow for the next three years so they need to get their fill while they can.

Finally, as of today, I am on one crutch. It hurts like the dickens. I feel as though I can confidently say that I've been pretty positive and hopeful these last six weeks. I've had my moments but I think I got most of my frustration about my knee out before the surgery and thankfully, I've had a tremendous amount of help from my nephew and mother-in-law, Mike and the boys. But I did have a really hard time yesterday. I just feel traumatized by this experience. My body hurts everywhere from trying to overcompensate and I am just so completely limited in what I can do that it gets really hard and sometimes the emotions just well up and I need a good cry. And then once the tears are out and I've had my cry, I can get back to being positive. Yesterday was one of those days. But today I feel hopeful. The doctor said I can slowly ditch the crutches and today I am completely on just one crutch. It gives me so much more freedom and even though it hurts really, really bad to walk on my leg, at least I am walking. And that is pretty exciting. So, for now, things are looking up.
I'm really sorry your knee is still so painful. I hope it lessens very quickly and I hope it will be deemed "successful" by your doctor. Hopefully your whole body will start to feel better once you get the cricks all worked out. I think about you all the time and I'm staying positive on your behalf.