The Rest of the Story

I woke up at 12:45 am from a super hard contraction.  I went to the bathroom and then crawled back in bed.  I laid there for about four contractions, each four minutes apart and decided to wake Mike up.  I felt like the girl who cried wolf because we both knew this wasn’t the first time I’d had contractions close together.  Mike was so out of it and in his mind he thought, “You are not in labor, go back to sleep.” He just asked me what I wanted to do.  I told him I wanted to go back to sleep but thought it was the real thing this time.  He reluctantly got out of bed, gave me a blessing, and went to call the neighbor.  We called a few times and then Mike went and knocked on their door when they didn’t answer.  By the time the neighbor came and we got to the hospital it was 1:45 am.  As we walked to the hospital doors I felt more fluid then normal and thought that perhaps my water had just broken. 

We got to triage and they asked if my water broke, to which I replied that I never felt a pop or gush but was fairly certain it had broken.  They got me in a tiny room and proceeded to check me in asking me all kinds of questions that I had already answered at my pre-admission appointment earlier in the week.  I was trying really hard not to be annoyed at having to answer all these questions when I was obviously in a lot of pain.
I had already decided to get an epidural before I went to the hospital.  I felt that with Laila I was totally prepared for a natural birth but I knew that I was not in a mental state this time around to try and have this baby naturally.  I had planned on doing it natural and even talked to the doctor about a natural birth on Thursday at my checkup but as the day had worn on I knew I wouldn’t do it naturally.  I knew that emotionally it had been a difficult and draining day for me and I wasn’t mentally prepared and in my opinion, that is really important to having a natural birth.  But even more than that, I knew from the ultrasounds and the degree of painful contractions that this baby was posterior like three of her siblings had been and I felt too worn out to endure a natural labor (besides the fact that I had essentially only had about two hours of sleep since 3:45 AM the previous morning).  

I asked the triage nurse for an epidural as soon as I could get one.  She said they just had to get me my IV and the antibiotic going for the group B Strep and I could have one.  She checked me and said I was a 6, at which point I began to worry.  I knew from previous labors that if I was that far along the baby was going to come in a very short time.  She sent another nurse in to get my IV in and it took her and another nurse forever to get the IV in (I have huge bruises all over my arms and hands from their attempts).  This is a common issue for me so I wasn’t surprised with their struggle—it certainly wasn’t their fault…I just have stubborn veins).  However, I was trying to stay still for them while in horrendous pain from the back labor and I was really worried about being a 6 already.  They finally got me in the labor and delivery room where the anesthesiologist was already waiting.  He said something about me already being a 6 and I said something along the lines of, “I can assure you I’m not a 6 anymore.”  (which in hindsight seems kind of rude).  He quickly got me my epidural and then everyone started freaking out saying, “She doesn’t look white like most people” and “do you feel nauseous?” and “how much medicine should I give her?”  I was confused about what the big deal was and then almost immediately said, “get me a barf bag!!” and then proceeded to throw my guts up.  Apparently my blood pressure had fallen really low.
At this point I was frustrated because while the contraction pain mostly disappeared the pain in my back was excruciating.  I have had three other labors with babies posterior and I know what back labor feels like and this was worse than anything I’d ever felt.  It was by far the most painful labor I’d experienced even with the epidural.  There was no wave of back pain that comes with each contraction—it was just one continuous horrible pain.
I felt like one big baby—I just kept telling Mike how much my back hurt and telling him I needed ice—“I’m so hot and my throat is so dry, it burns.”

After the anesthesiologist left the room the nurse checked me again and confirmed what I already knew—that I was not a 6.  I was already a ten and ready to push.  I felt a lot of pressure and knew it wouldn’t be long before it would all be over.  But then the nurse called the doctor on call to tell her I was ready to have the baby and when she hung up she told me, “The doctor said that since you still need your antibiotic that we can’t break your water for the next four hours and you will have to try not to push until then.” 

I was incredulous.  How in the world could they possibly think I wasn’t going to push being a 10 and feeling crazy amounts for pressure for the next four hours?!  She left the room and I just began sobbing.  I could not fathom being in this amount of pain for the next four hours and not pushing.  I’ve never cried in labor before—I am generally very quiet and in control when I’m in labor.  But I could not hold back my tears and I just sobbed. 

The nurse called the doctor again, who gave the same response.  But within a few minutes another nurse came in said, “The baby’s stats are low—it’s time to have a baby.”  They called the doctor a third time and this time the doctor agreed to come down.  She came in the room and proceeded to “break my water” except my water had already broken so instead of breaking my water she pricked the baby’s head three times and then said, “There’s nothing there to break.  She already broke her water.”  Then she turned to me and said, “Push whenever you feel like you need to.”
I had the baby about five minutes later and then I just cried for so many reasons.  

She was born at 4:30 AM.  She came out with her head facing my left side instead of the ceiling or the floor.  Mike said she was turning as she came out.  She only cried a tiny bit but mostly just squirmed and looked around the room with her one eye open.  She weighed 6 lbs 11 oz and was 20 in long.

 She has strawberry blond hair and while it is more than peach fuzz she doesn’t have a lot of hair.  I think she actually has less hair than any of her siblings.  I think she looks just like Isaac with a little bit of Eli in her as well.  Her toes, fingers and feet are super long and skinny just like Laila and her eyes look brown to me, like Will.  She has my tiny chin and tiny ears and Mike's skinny long legs.  So I think she has a bit of everyone in her.

It has been a mostly typical recovery for me.  The following day after delivering her my back was in so much pain that I couldn't move without feeling horrible stabbing pain throughout my lower back.  I usually don't need a lot of pain meds after delivery but this time my back hurt so much that I needed medicine on the clock.  But by Sunday my back had mostly recovered.  Compared to the recovery after Laila, it's been a longer recovery but similar to the recovery with the boys, minus the back issue (After delivering Laila I felt as though I never had a baby).

So she is here and we couldn’t be happier to have her join our family.  She is just so sweet and we all love her.  I have a feeling that she will be a wonderful uniting factor in our family, bringing us so much joy and peace as she grows.  She, like her brothers and older sister, is such a blessing to our family.   


Pat said…
I Love reading your thoughts Adrianne..Keep blogging..
Merry Christmas ....
Pat & Dean
Joan Stephenson said…
You are an amazing woman, Adrianne! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences. I am so very happy for you, Mike, and the kids. I love all of you very much!
Rachel Allen said…
Labor stinks! Sorry yours was rotten but what a beautiful outcome! She looks a lot like your brother Jess to me. Definitely belongs to the family. Wishing you a quick recovery.
Good job on having this baby girl! I know that sounds dumb, but your labor and hospital sounds pretty stressful. I think she looks like Jess too, especially in the bottom picture. I liked reading about your birth, and I'm impressed you found time to write about it so early. I wish you the best with your new addition!
Mike said…
Pat and Joan, thanks ladies! Love you both.

Rachel and Natalie, I agree--I think she looks like Jess too. But mostly, I think she looks just like Isaac. And of all my kids, I think Isaac takes after me the most so I guess it makes sense that this baby, looking like Isaac, also looks like Jess!
Jess and Jen said…
That does not sound like a fun experience at all, but what a great reward for all of that hard work! I sure would like to snuggle that little girl! And I agree with Natalie...very impressive that you've already written about it. -Jen
Jenny said…
I cant believe they told you to wait 4 hours to push when you were at a 10! Gotta love the Doctors :-) You are amazing,she is beautiful
Chersten said…
Thank you so much for sharing that Adrianne. I am incredibly happy for you and your sweet family.
The Duke said…
I just can't get over how beautiful she is! Welcome, little girl! You couldn't have come to a better family. You have incredible parents and your brothers will always adore and treasure you.
Anonymous said…
The Lord sure is preparing you for exaltation Adrianne! That is incredible! I think your labor and delivery tops them all.
You are a wonderful example to me of faith and endurance. Thank you for your faith which helps me to also endure the trials that come to each of us in this mortality! You are a great daughter of God!
Megan said…
I had no idea! Congratulations to you and your family. I'm so sorry what they put you through during delivery. Maddening. However your little girl is beautiful. Gosh each of your little kids have a look of their own but you can tell they are sibblings too (I love it). You have a beautiful family.
Teresa Moser said…
You are amazing, thank you for sharing!! Love and miss you :)
Frances said…
You are superwoman!! I can't believe that story!! The waiting to push! As if we had all the control as to when that stuff happens?? I'm so glad it turned out well. She is just beautiful. I immediately thought she looked like Isaac. Babies bring such a wonderful spirit into the home and fill everyone with love. It's so wonderful. Congratulations!!
Michelle said…
Congratulations on your new baby. I'm so happy for you and the entire family. Sorry your labor was so painful. I hope I get to meet her soon.
Debbie Barr said…
I am so happy for you and your family! I am sorry about the difficulty in labor, I think there's a real problem with doctors not listening to mothers in labor (especially experienced mothers), and instead they rely on their own time tables or procedures instead of letting the woman listen to her body. But I am glad that all is well now and that you have a beautiful baby girl out of all that. :)

I know we have never met but I have loved getting to know you and your family through your blog. Thank you for sharing what experiences you feel comfortable with, it's always good to hear how you all are doing. And congratulations again!
chelsey said…
Again, she's simply beautiful. Congrats again to your cute family. Would love to be able to get out there and snuggle all those kids!
Cali said…
Oh, Adrianne. I am so happy for you! I'm sorry that your labor was so rotten--it sure would be nice to have an easier way to get these angels here. But, how wonderful to have her here! Truly, I am so happy for you. She's absolutely beautiful. Merry Christmas, my wonderful friend.
Lisa said…
Congratulations! I was really confused when I read newer blogs talking about Piper, until I scrolled down and saw this beautiful little girl. You are such a wonderful family and she is lucky to join you.

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