Scenes from our Halloween (minus trick-or-treating)
We had our trunk-or-treat tonight. I thought getting everyone ready would be pretty easy but 45 minutes before the party I realized everyone but Will was missing some piece of their costume. We ended up having to search frantically for Isaac's heart and Eli's hat (you can't be a bat without wings!). The boys chose their costumes. Isaac originally chose a batman something or other but when we went to Wa lMart he saw a heartless zombie. I bought the costume but once we got home I just couldn't bear to have him wear something quite so gruesome. I took it back and came up with my own version of a not so scary zombie. I sewed him a heart and put it on velcro, then drew the organs on one of his pajama tee's. The face painting was another story. All I can say is that painting your sons to look dead after experiencing a real death isn't the most pleasant experience. Why did I let them be zombies? Because in their minds zombies and death don't really go together so to them, it's harmless and fun. Anyway, Will wanted to be half mummy/half zombie. His idea was to buy two costumes, cut them down the middle and sew them up. I vetoed that one too. Instead, I just ripped an old shirt up and an old pillow case. Eli chose to be a bat. He was seriously the cutest bat I've ever seen. My favorite was when I let him wear his bat hat I made to the park. He wore it on the swings and his shadow showed his wings flapping in the air--so many giggles! Here are my cute--not scary--Halloween boys:
I threw Eli a Halloween party since his brothers always get some for school. Isaac happened to have school off that day so he got to participate as well. Eli said it was "the most awesome party ever!"
Eli showing his spider craft and the two boys decorating their cupcakes.
Isaac at the party showing his heartless zombie costume.
My cute bat: (man, I love this kid!)
We finally carved our pumpkins from the pumpkin patch
The boys thought the innards were disgusting
Harry Potter Party! I was the house elf, Dobby. I love these girls!
