Ah, to be a boy
My boys have been participating in very boy-like activities lately. First up: The Zip line! Ever since Mike and I went on a Zip line on our vacation in Virginia, the boys have been asking to try it out. On Labor Day they got their wish. We went to a park with some friends for Labor Day and one of the dad's is a special ops guy. He set up this zip line for all the kids to go on. They loved it. I couldn't believe how patient all the kids were waiting their turn. It was awesome and the boys had so much fun.
Eli was just goofy the whole time, wiggling and giggling the entire way down.

I thought Isaac would be scared but he didn't seem scared at all.

Will was a little scared at first but he had to hang here for awhile before he went down the line.
Next up: We are putting sod in our backyard this weekend. Right now our yard is a huge dirt pit. Isaac and Eli had so much fun making the dirt pit a mud pit. It kept them busy for quite awhile until I had to send them in the shower before we picked Will up from the bus stop--such a muddy mess!

And finally: I'm trying to devote at least two mornings a week to doing learning activities with Eli. I thought something about pirates would be fun. We learned about the letter P and made a pirate ship, a pirate P, and had a treasure hunt. (You can find pictures of those activities on my other blog when I get around to posting them) We waited for the treasure hunt until Isaac got home because I was sure they would have fun doing that together. Later this week we are going to read books about Pirates and hopefully make a pirate puppet (thanks Pinterest!).

Isaac gives his best Pirate face
Looking at the map...

Digging for treasure and finally, enjoying the treasure (brought to you by Aunt Lindsey--P.S. Lindsey, I took a video for you of them opening the package you sent--I'll try and post it later).

It must be so fun to be a boy!
I like the idea of doing the activities with Eli.
Fun! Fun!
Grass will look so great back there! And I bet your neighbors selling their home will be so happy that your family is taking care of the landscaping at your place.