Two rooms mostly done
I know, I know. I've posted lots of pictures of Laila's room already. But it's had little finishing touches to do and now it's mostly done and there have been requests to see it. So here are the other pictures of the room.
This is one of the beautiful quilts that was made for me/Laila. All my dear friends at the baby shower designed and decorated their own square. I love it and the colors are perfect for the room.
Another picture of the tree
Here is one of the fabric flowers I made and put on the tree. I want to make three more. I have white, yellow, cream, and white/yellow flowers.
Another view of the room
One of my favorite parts of the room are these framed flowers. My mom takes these gorgeous photos and she took these. I love them. They are a perfect touch for the room.
I'm putting a butterfly mobile right above her bed in this corner.
Now, on to the boy's room.
Mike and I were given these missionary post cards from some really good friends of ours in Oklahoma. I love them. I decided to use some of those post cards to make a missionary room.
This first picture shows some shadow boxes I found at Goodwill. I put Mike's name tag in one and the one on the top (the empty one) will have a little plane in it when I get time to look for one. They also have some navy blue curtains that I need to hang.
I made these pictures of all the places the boy's grandpa's and uncles (and Mike of course) went on missions. The little stars show where they went.
Here is a sample of some of the postcards. Love them.
Oh, this picture is out of order....Look below to see what it is.
Here we go. I painted a growth chart on the wall. It didn't turn out as well as I had hoped but it will do for now. I made these little missionary name tags for each boy to put on the wall for how tall they are.
Here is another picture of their hooks.
Ignore the pack-n-play in this picture--Laila has been napping in their room because they are the only room with the window unit and our house if super hot upstairs during the day. Anyway, I want to paint or get vinyl to up on the side of the legs that says, "When I have grown a foot or two."
Right above the blue dresser I plan on painting a black plaque that says, "Elder Richards. I hope they call me on a mission."
There we go. I've been working hard. I might take a break though. I like painting but I think I'll wait to paint my room, the craft room, and the bathrooms. In the meantime, my brother and his family are coming tomorrow and we are very excited for our visitors!
You are one creative, talented lady!
I honestly don't know how you are getting all these things done. Amazing.....(I mean you!)