So far this month
I've made progress on Laila's room. It's been so rewarding to me to see it all come together. I actually love her room. I have more to do in there but not a lot--mainly hanging a few more pictures and hanging up a little shelf. I think my favorite part about the room is that it's made me stretch my self in my talents and it has so many personal touches from family and friends in the room. The curtains are a first for me. I've never made curtains before. I had some from Eli's room that we aren't using now and used that as my pattern. I'm so proud of myself! And then, the cute little fabric flowers on the tree, that took awhile but was fun and I think makes a cute little addition to the tree. I'll try and get better pictures of those later.
Now that Laila's room is getting close to finished, I started some on the boy's room. Here was my quick project. I found the hooks at Hobby Lobby on clearance for $1.20 each and then just printed off pictures of each boy and modge podged them on. Later, I'll actually paint their room and hang up some other decorations. One thing at a time! Mike is almost done with the pantry and I'm so excited to have a walk-in pantry. Go Mike!
Mike has had the van this past week so we have been stuck at home. I tried walking to the park with the boys but we were there for only ten minutes and it started to storm so we had to leave. The boys are getting restless being stuck at our house with no friends so I tried to think of something fun to do with them this week. We had a little Luau. We made little leis and then made a tropical dessert that no one liked (where's the love?!) and then played a few games--limbo and pin the coconut on the palm tree. To end the night, we danced to Island music. The boys looked forward to it all day...Mike hoped we would forget...all day.

And to round out our post, we had a great 4th of July. This park is about 15 minutes away. It's so cool to have this in our backyard. How lucky are we? We drove to The Garden of the Gods and did a nice little stroll (Will kept saying he wanted to hike a mountain--maybe next time). When we got back from the park it was already dark so Mike and the boys climbed on the roof--the not steep part--and watched the fireworks. Fireworks were supposed to be banned here because of fire threats so we didn't buy any sparklers or anything but we were grateful there were others willing to break the law so we could enjoy watching them!

That rounds up our month so far!
Tana, Ha, ha. That's so funny. I love that you posted the pictures of your nursery. You aren't a copy cat! I love your nursery. It's just beautiful.
Mandy, I have been thinking that all week--why do you think I had you all so close? So you can entertain each other! Just kidding.
Jess, it seems like it's taking forever to get things decorated.
Alyssa, some day you can come visit and we can go there!
I'm glad that you were able to get in to the park and take the walk on the 4th. It's a great place! I loved it there.
My children still complain about anything new I make, if it was up to them they'd have hot dogs or tacos daily.
Very cute room for Laila, you are doing a fabulous job with it. I also really like the backpack hooks. Your family picture at the top is so nice.