It started out bad but ended up being wonderful
Last week I was in a really gloomy mood. Our holiday plans had been changed and we were staying in Ohio. We've had snow and grey skies (surprise, surprise), and temperatures in the teens and 20's, pretty much this entire month. I was convinced that Ohio in the winter was the place reserved for those going to hades. But then I saw these boys dressed in their winter garb and realized that no, this wasn't Hades because nothing so cute would be found in Hades.
Then Will got sick and threw up and then Diamond threw up and since I'm still dealing with my own nausea and occasional throw up, cleaning up more throw up isn't something that creates joy in my being (aside from the fact that I don't like to see my kiddos sick).
And then Mike began working 12-13 hour work days and pregnant hormones took over. I found myself really downtrodden and overly negative.
As the week went on I felt the gloom begin to lift and things got better. Christmas Eve Mike stayed home and did homework in the bedroom but he stopped long enough to go to the movies with us (Despicable Me) and then later we went to our friend's house for a wonderful dinner followed by the Nativity and singing. It was a great night.
Christmas day was such a nice day. I had been a little worried because we had decided only to spend $50 on each kid and that equalled about one big gift and then a few small ones. I worried that they would be disappointed that they didn't get more but I was so wrong. They were thrilled with everything. They squealed with delight over the smallest things--their new toothbrushes, their favorite candies, the chocolate milk in their stockings. They loved their gifts and have played with them for hours. I had spent a lot of time thinking about what gifts to get them, wanting to be sure that while they wouldn't get a lot, they would really like what they got. And they did! They seem genuinely pleased with everything.
My favorite part of the gift giving was watching the boys choose their gifts for each other. Will and Isaac really put so much thought into each gift they chose, considering what each brother liked. When I had them help wrap their gifts for each other they were so careful to choose the wrapping paper and bows in the favorite colors of their brothers. It was so sweet.
The day was such a nice relaxing day. We ended the day with our traditional meal of homemade pizza (which actually didn't turn out as tasty as usual) and a movie that Santa brought (Toy Story 3).
Oh goodness! I almost ended this post without posting about the gift I got! This year Mike and I bought ourselves our own gifts, which we don't usually do. We were both fine with that as neither of us really had anything special on our wish lists (he wasted a wheat grinder and I wanted slippers). Normally we receive money from his parents but this year they decided to buy us a gift and without me knowing it Mike had asked them to combine our Christmas money and buy me a gift I'd been longing for pretty much for forever. He had mentioned awhile ago wanting to purchase me a Minerva Teichert print (she is my great grandmother in case you didn't know). Her paintings are very expensive and I knew that buying one of her prints would not be cheap. I told Mike that someday we would have money to buy one but probably not for a long time. Well, without me knowing it, he told his parents his desire to buy me one. Somehow, his mom found one of my all-time favorite prints at a very discounted price. When I opened the gift I burst into tears. It is beautiful and I love it.

It was a wonderful Christmas, one I want to always remember. Simple, happy, and peaceful.
P.S. After my gloomfest I decided to start praying for sun and warmth. And what do you know? The sun came out yesterday and today! And, it's supposed to be in the 50's this weekend. Granted, it's also supposed to rain. I think I should have been slightly more specific in my prayers, asking for the sun and the warmth to come AT THE SAME TIME, but still! I'll take what I can get!!
Happy New Year!