He loves me
This picture has nothing to do with this post but look at how cute these boys are. They are being led by Mike in exercises. I don't know if it's just my kids but these boys become crazy between the hours of 6 PM and 8 PM. They run, jump, scream, wrestle, etc. Often our bedtime routine is not enough to get them to calm down and go to sleep so I thought perhaps if we did some exercises and got all their wiggles out. I really love these boys.

Ok, on to the real point of this post:
Ok, on to the real point of this post:
I mentioned in an earlier post that this past month was hard. This month is going ok. I feel residual gloom from last month and it seems like I am still trying to recover and things that normally would not bother me seem to throw me off.
Now, let me say, I'm not normally a crier. Therefore, when I do cry, I think Mike gets a little confused about what to do. His reaction to my crying this time was rash but oh so cute. Mike bought me (without me asking).....
wait for it.....

He loves me. Lest you think he's gone entirely nuts, I'll tell you that he bought them all from discount stores so he did not spend a fortune on me. But, I just started to learn how to sew. I don't even know how to use most of these fabrics. So, is it totally irrational to be excited every time I look at these?
I had to go to the fabric store tonight to return some patterns and it was hard for me to leave. I like to just walk down the aisles and feel each fabric and think about what I can make.
Now I just have to learn how to make them. Tomorrow I am making an apron. Two weeks ago I made my first article of clothing--a skirt made of swim suit material.
It is very comfortable and not made very well. I accidentally cut the back shorter than the front and if you look (and you don't have to look very closely) you can tell. But it's a skirt and I made it. Mike said it was too bright and they'd kick me out of the chapel but I'm happy to say that I got through sacrament without anyone telling me I had to leave.
Now, let me say, I'm not normally a crier. Therefore, when I do cry, I think Mike gets a little confused about what to do. His reaction to my crying this time was rash but oh so cute. Mike bought me (without me asking).....
wait for it.....
He loves me. Lest you think he's gone entirely nuts, I'll tell you that he bought them all from discount stores so he did not spend a fortune on me. But, I just started to learn how to sew. I don't even know how to use most of these fabrics. So, is it totally irrational to be excited every time I look at these?
I had to go to the fabric store tonight to return some patterns and it was hard for me to leave. I like to just walk down the aisles and feel each fabric and think about what I can make.
Now I just have to learn how to make them. Tomorrow I am making an apron. Two weeks ago I made my first article of clothing--a skirt made of swim suit material.
It's the best thing ever to have a husband that loves you.
That's awesome that you are improving your sewing skills too. Keep it up, maybe you could make matching napkins to go with your cakes and host awesome new year's eve parties. :)
Your skirt is awesome. I love it and it is perfect!
I'm so delighted that you like to sew. It can become really habit forming!
Perhaps the next time you come and visit for more than a day or so we could set up a quilt and I'll teach you how to hand quilt and that add to your rapidly increasing repetoire (sp?).
Cheer up -- life is good.
I like to sew also, but our sewing machine is broke. Either way I love seeing all the cute projects you are doing.
Calista, I don't need to sew napkins to have an awesome party. All I need are smokies. Right?! ;)
Cindy, thank you. I'm so glad you are my visiting teacher and friend.
Mom, I'd love to do a quilt with you. P.S. I know life is good.
Marcy, give me a call.
Michelle, I didn't know you knew how to sew. It seems like everyone knows how to do that but me!
Debbie, I kow EXACTLY what you mean. It's just so much fun to imagine all the things you can make.
Yes, you've had a difficult month though and most certainly deserve some fun! Get creative and play around with that fabric. You're already outsewing me by a mile! I only sew straight lines. That's where it ends for me.