Just a few more days before vacation
We have been planning this family vacation for about a year now. The time is finally getting close and in about a week we are going to ditch this joint and go have a great time together as a family. We are going to spend a few days at my in-laws house and I hope to be able to take a trip to the beach one of the days. Then, Mike and I are leaving the boys with the parentals for a few days and we are going to drive to a resort and spend a little quality time together. Later my brother and his wife will join us and then my kiddos and Mike's parents will come as well and we will all have a great time just relaxing and playing. I'm hoping to so some of this:

and this (we will do the zip line before the kids get there, unless Mike's parents want to do this too and then we will send them off while we watch the kids).
We would also like to take the boys horseback riding and you can't be outside in nature without roasting hot dogs or smores. The resort has a little miniature gold course as well as a playground and some tennis courts. I'm also hoping to get some running in, some hiking, and most importantly, sleeping in!


Is anyone else going on any fun vacations this summer?
Looks like a great trip and I hope you thoroughly enjoy yourselves! How fun that you not only get to hang with the Maryland Richards but Dave and Tana, too.
Can't wait to hear and see all about it when you get back!
Have a great time! I love Summer!!
We are looking forward to going to Iowa - we leave June 14th. Ammon hasn't stopped talking about it. I think he's getting pretty excited. Looking forward to seeing Jason and Michelle's world.
We are thinking of going camping in Switzerland in July or August then at the beginning of October we're looking at heading to the Canary Islands (off the west coast of africa) or somewhere warm like that. We'll go for a week with the kids. Should be fun. Anyone want to come along? Free place to stay!