No bowl cuts here
Not long after we were married Mike asked me to cut his hair. I had never cut hair before but I agreed. It was a disaster. Mike was so particular about what he wanted. He had some experience cutting hair and tried to give me a little lesson and during the entire hair cut he would try and tell me how to fix it. It just made me more nervous and in one nervous moment I cut his side burn. One minute it was there and the next it was gone. I cried. I was trying so hard as his new wifey to please him and was just making a mess of the whole thing. He was very nice about it and not long after joined the Air Force, where he couldn't have sideburns anyway, but after that experience I told him I'd never cut his hair again. And I haven't. I also haven't cut our boys hair.

(I personally thought his side burns made him look really hot)
Mike is still particular about his hair and rarely comes home with a hair cut he is pleased with. I started thinking, "Well, if he's going to complain about a crappy hair cut he had to pay for, he might as well complain about a crappy hair cut that's free. Crappy hair cuts I can do." So, when thinking about my 30 goals I decided that one of those goals ought to be learning how to cut hair.
Thankfully, I have a good friend that can cut hair really well and she was so nice to teach me how to cut the boy's hair. This morning we went to her house and she cut and highlighted my hair and then cut Isaac and Will's hair while teaching me how to do it. When we got home I cut Eli's hair.
(Kera did a fantastic job. I've needed a hair cut for a long time and it looks so much better now!)
Eli was a bear today so it was hard. His hair is not awesome. But, there were no tears (at least from me...Eli wasn't too pleased about me making him sit that long) this time.
Mike just got his hair cut on base (his complaints are often valid because he's had some really bad hair cuts) and my friend told me to cut his hair at her house so she could help me through it. So, in a few weeks I'll try out his hair. It's going to take me a lot of hair cuts before I am actually confident in it and before I can actually give a good cut. But, it's a start.
I've been cutting Tom's hair for 12 years now, and I'm still experimenting. Luckily he is not-particular or just really cheap. ;p.
I figure what I save on him and the girls means I can get mine done professionally! Although I have started taking my 9 yo with me. She's too old for me to butcher it. With the other two girls, I cut a little here and there, esp on the bangs, waiting to see what other hair piece fall forward. It's all very scientific. Also, a movie helps when they're in the wiggly stage.
Way to go!
We saved thousands of dollars over the years with me cutting everybody's hair. I quit when they all turned 16 - time for professional help and stylists.
It's a great way to save money.
Your hair looks beautiful.
Mom, Yes, the bowl and cup got hair in them. I tried to expalain that it would happen but he didn't care. All he wanted was a snack and it was keeping him busy.
You did a fantastic job on Eli's hair. Keep it up and you'll become a pro!
I cut my boys hair until they went to college. The first couple of cuts were, well, not so good but after awhile I got the hang of it!
When they come home they always ask for a haircut...I guess I can't be all that bad.
Most people on base just rush right through, and don't do a good job. Dan says my haircuts are so much better, and I started learning when we were engaged. Now I cut everyone's hair, including mine. Your haircut looks almost identical to mine right now (you've got about an inch on me though).
So cool! Keep it up :) It's a good skill to have.
Good job on Eli's hair.
I've been cutting Zach's hair from day one, but he's never had a professional hair cut in his life-his mom always cut it, or he cut it himself on his mission so he doesn't really know what he's missing--lucky me. Plus, I have clippers that make it really easy to do!