Will I home school Will?

Will you be sending Will to Kindergarten this fall? What do you think about home schooling or have you thought about home schooling?
This question comes at the perfect time because this has been on my mind for a long time. I have a short answer and a long answer. The short answer is that I don't know if I will be sending Will to school or if I will home school him. Now, if that's all the answer you want, you can stop reading but if you want to know my reasons you can keep reading but it might be kind of lengthy.
I love the idea of home school. I like the idea of having my kids near me and being a part of their learning. I also like having control over what they will be learning and being able to help them learn on their own time. I'm not stoked about the idea of propaganda being taught to my kids. Nor am I interested in them coming home chanting some silly Barack Obama jingle.
Exhibit A is from about six months ago. Mike, for curiosity sake, gave Will these worksheets and some Good-N-Plenty to see if he could add. He got them all right with minimal help from us. He has since gotten much better at writing his numbers and can whip right through a worksheet without any help from us.
Will is also beginning to read. He is not a super great reader yet but he can read almost all of Hop On Pop by himself. He also has a little notebook like this that he spells his own words on. I also find little notes written to me all over the house. I can't make out everything he is trying to spell in the notes but the majority I can. I am just amazed at how his learning has just exploded.
I asked him why he wanted to go to school and he told me he is "just so excited to learn all about my body and the earth and space." I didn't have the heart to tell him that he would not be learning those things for a long, long time--most definitely not in kindergarten where he will instead be sitting in a seat most of the day learning a letter a week. Of course, he might also learn his colors, shapes, and numbers--things he knew when he was two and a half.
I need to interject here that I do not expect my children to be the smartest or to learn quickly. It wasn't until I was in my last year of college that I was finally diagnosed with a learning disability. I can tell you that I cried a lot of tears before that diagnosis finally came and I berated myself for not being smart. But I was really proud of myself for graduating from high school with a 3.98 GPA and even more proud of myself for graduating from BYU.
All I care about is that they work hard and that they love learning. I don't want to see Will so excited to go to school and learn only to watch him a few months later causing problems or hating school because he is BORED OUT OF HIS MIND.
My biggest concern with homeschooling is just that it is such an overwhelming thing to do. I already feel close to being sent to the looney bin and I think having to have my kids with me every minute of the day just might be the thing to send me there.
So, the decision is still not made. I am talking to moms that home school to find out how they feel about it and I am reading books and doing research so hopefully very soon I will find an answer and be confident it is the right one. The good thing about this is that if I choose to send Will to school and he isn't growing, I can always take him out.
What are your thoughts on home schooling?
It is still a concern but hopefully as I find out more I will also become more aware of these extra activities. If not, then I will probably not do home schooling.
I guess I just think you should be able to find ways outside of school (church, scouts, etc.) where they can still learn those things.
On the flip side, I can do without the sex talk, the swearing, the teasing, violence, etc. that children learn at school. Which would I rather they be taught at school?
It's a possibility that you could have Will tested before school to see if he could skip kindergarten.
Some of my kids were pretty bored and that's a difficulty.
About the only child that is really well-served in our schools today is the average kid. Super bright kids get left out and many of the underachievers do as well. I am always irritated with parents that have kids with disabilities who demand that they have rights to whatever....we don't do that. We do what we can to supplement Ammon's education through grants to help the finances in the school, etc. The schools are underfunded, caught in the mess of tenure with under-performing teachers, etc. You might want to consider a charter school where you may have more of a say.
I think it should depend on the quality of the school where he will attend. Because you will be moving in the middle of the year, I think Will might really like being in kindergarten while you assess what kind of experience it will be and then when you move, if you don't like what's happened, then you could home school him at the new place until you see what kind of school he would attend in Colorado.
Just some thoughts -- I purposely didn't home school any of you because I thought you needed to know how to deal with the world and how to solve friendship issues, how to deal with those that were taught differently and had different moral ideas, etc. I figured you needed to learn how to identify what you believed pretty quickly. I think most of you did.
Good luck in your decision. I'm sure you will be guided to make the right one for you and for Will.
I wanted to recommend some posts by Mrs. G on the Pioneer Woman site. She addresses socialization, among other things: http://thepioneerwoman.com/homeschooling/2009/09/the-oldest-one-in-the-book/
Another thing that has been a revelation to me recently has been teaching my 5 yo to read using the Engelmann 100 Easy Lessons book. It is cheap, easy, and I have been almost star-struck at how well it works. And it has given me more confidence that, with the right curriculum/resources/etc, I really could teach my kids anything (I have always been sure I could understand and explain anything, but the right curriculum (which will surely differ with children's individual learning style) makes all the difference.
I think talking to other homeschoolers and seeing how they do it day-to-day, year-to-year is a great way to gather information about whether it is right for you, how it would work for you, what some things are that you don't like/agree with, etc. I also like to hear about educational systems in other countries. Just because we have public schools like we do in the U.S. doesn't mean that's the only configuration available.
And finally (sorry) in many states (including Utah, apparently) you can send your kid to half-day school, and that is very appealing to me.
When the prophet of our church tells Moms to home school. Only then will I do it and then it will be with a combination of other moms and we will see who knows more in each subject and switch off homes and such.
Other than that, I wouldn't want to do it. I'd be crazy for sure, just don't have the emotions to take that on unless told to by the Prophet.
Another option is some charter schools here have a homeschooling class. You home school a couple days a week, and they go to the charter school 2-3 days of the week.
I also love the charter school because the classes are very small, and they test the kids every week to make sure they're being taught at the right level. If one of my kids is at a 3rd grade level for math, they'll go to the 3rd grade classroom for math, and so on.
There are lots of ways to socialize your children, and I really don't think that homeschooling them will hurt them socially. As you say, there are tons of programs out there now, and you can even send him to the public school for half the day, and home school for half the day. Learn your rights, and ask tons of questions, and keep asking until you're satisfied.
My approach (and I say this with hesitation, since I don't have school-aged children yet) would be to find ways to supplement the school curriculum for my child to suit his/her interests/needs. I agree that kids who excel may not get to reach their full potential in school. But there are other programs or home activities that could fulfill that.
Another reason why I favor the traditional school approach is that I respond better to instruction from someone other than a family member. (This might also stem from my competitive nature.) I'm sure I would have had a much more strained relationship with my parents if they were the ones who were responsible for my day-to-day school instruction.
I'll have to revisit this post in a few years. My opinions are likely to change with each child. It's like my approach to the cry-it-out method. People ask me if I believe in it. I tell them I don't believe in it for Alex. He has been a phenomenal sleeper since he was nine months old (currently at 2 and a half years old, he sleeps 11 hours at night and a 3-4 hour nap during the day). I may be a huge proponent of the cry-it-out method with my next. You just never know.
We started with the city school, now we're at the charter school. . .
It's a hard decision. I'm with you and Kristi.
I do have to say that Layla is in kindergarten now and she started knowing how to read. She goes to a special reading class with other children who already know how to read. It is amazing the things that she is learning in school. But she does get bored. She always does extra things on her class work and probably drives her teacher crazy.
I think the only thing that would make me home school my kids is the influence of other kids. If it got to the point that it was just a really bad environment for my kids, I would home school them (hopefully in a group like Michelle was talking about), but the public schools here are good enough that I can't see myself ever taking them out for education reasons. Abby craves interaction with others. She loves her teachers and aides and it makes her happy to have other adults in her life who care about her and think she's great!
I like the idea of supplementing what he is learning in school with other things he's interested in. Good luck figuring this out! The good thing is that nothing is permanent and you can make changes as often as you need to!
-while they are called "public" schools they are actually government schools and I don't want the government educating my children. Frankly- the average American child is poorly educated. It's also no where to be found in the Constitution that the government should provide education from 8-3 for every child. It's just not in there.
-I don't believe learning to get along with a bunch of kids your same age is perfect socialization- the real world is full of people of different ages and learning to get along with everyone is socialization and that IS a challenge of home school parents- but I think it's a worthwhile trade off.
-I can't stand the thought of my kids coming home knowing dirty jokes, words, crass behavior or having been picked on. I'll make sure they learn how to share, wait their turn and be kind to others but not on the playground. I guess I'm just WAY more protective than some people but I could never put my 5 year old on a bus and send her/him off to someone I don't know for 6-7 hours to learn from books I haven't read and sit next to kids I don't know. I just can't do it. The world is a harsh place and yes they will have to deal with it soon enough. To me kids are like little plants- you don't just throw a seed out into a field and expect it to grow- you take extra care of it when it's a seedling and young with extra protection, water, sun light and only when it's strong enough to take care of itself do you put it in the flower garden.
-I love the idea of being part of what my kids learn! I love reading about the curriculums and different approaches to learning! Plus, because we don't have to deal with all the "extra" stuff they can learn the same amount they would at school in about 2 hours at home and have lots of time for music, family fun, field trips and anything else they want to persue (gymnastics, dance, etc)
-I agree that it's not an easy decision. Before Emma was about 3 I would have laughed at someone who told me I would feel with way shortly- but for me it feels right.
-Plus, I can live anywhere and not have to be directed by what "school district" is the "best." It takes a whole load off! We can also go on vacation anytime and not be locked in by a school schedule- which is a good feeling. With Mike's career of deploying it's good to know we can go visit my family for a month at a time regardless of what time of year it is.
-Good luck! By the way- I think you do a great job with your boys and I can't believe Will did those sheets and even wrote his numbers so well! He is a little smartie!
I will just say a few things. There is a charter school in Huber Heights that we are also looking into. I've heard really good things about it. It is a lottery and the lottery is held in a few weeks.
A few comments talked about not being prepared for the "real world." I really feel that your kid will be as prepared as you help them to be. If you live under a rock (or in Utah) you might not have opportunities to teach your kid about what the world is like but if you make it a priority, I think you will be fine.
Also, is that really my goal? To introduce them to a world of filth? If I want to teach my kid about the dangers of drugs, do I want to bring them into my home. Of course not! So why do I have to send them to school to be in an environment where they will see things I don't want them to take a part off. (I'm not suggesting that all schools are filth or teaching bad things).
As far as the comment about how all moms think their kids are the brightest and I might find that there are lots of bright kids. Of course. You might not believe what I said in my post but I mean it when I say that my kids don't have to be the brightest or the best. The fact is, Will loves to learn and I don't want to see that stop when he goes to school.
About supplementing, I think that sounds great and Mike and I have talked a lot about that but how many kids do you know want to go to school for 8 hours only to come home and be forced to do more? I think that would also drive Will away from learning.
I like all the comments. I agree on most of the points being brought up, even if it doesn't seem that way. I just want to see both sides put out there.
I flip flop about every hour. When I think about public school I mention to myself all the arguments being posted here by you all.
About the socialization, I do think it might be a challenge but I don't think school is the only place a kid can learn those types of things. And, doesn't it seem silly to say that I need a teacher to teach my kid how to share and be kind to others and take turns? shouldn't all moms do that in their homes anyway?
It sounds as if you have been brainwashed into believing that homeschooling is best. While it might be best for some in extreme situations. Not all children in the same family should be forced to be homeschooled by their parents just because thier parents decide that's best.
Your children will fail when they leave home. Scared to death of the real world, and ready to hide out in some mountain because they can't make friends or socialize properly.
If you are afraid of what the real world brings then teach them correctly at home, but don't hide them from public, charter or other types of "government" schools just because you can't handle it.
But over Christmas I was so worried as I watched her interact with all her little cousins and I realized how behind she is socially and how difficult it was for her to get along with and be natural around the kids. I cried. I felt so concerned for her. Not to mention how occassionally I want to jump out the window because I need some space from my kids.
I've talked to ALOT of moms and it seems that everyone's little kids pretty much like school. The home school moms seem really sold on home schooling and the kids seem to like it too. And I've come across kids that hate being home schooled and beg their parents to go to school?! I don't know.
I have talked with Brook about this at length and I've finally decided to send her to school. I broke down crying and told Brook that I actualy don't want to home school. I know it's selfish but I want more freedom. And I want my kids to have their own life.
We'll see how it goes. I am willing to have an open mind and do what's best for my girls. If things aren't going well, I will bring them home.
Thanks for answering my question!!
Pray and scripture study will have to be a priority in our family when we send our kids to school. Prepare them for the day with the spirit. That's my last comment!
We've talked about this as well, and it's nice to see everyone's opinion out there in an environment that's welcoming to opposition! :)
I don't have a strong opinion yet, but I think that if the kids are in school, I'd be involved as much as possible, and they wouldn't take the bus. I think that's where most of the problems come up.
Considering one of us is a school teacher, the scheduling of vacation time vs. school time works out quite well.
I respectfully disagree with everything you said.
I have not been brainwashed into believing anything. In fact, I have read more on the subject on both sides than many. I have talked to many on both sides of this issue as well. My feeling on the matter is not brainwashing. I went to public schools and enjoyed myself.
I am wondering how you can be so confident my children will fail? I completely disagree with your assumption. They will be just fine and I'm sure never need to hide under anything.